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<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

maybe there is not anything else to do the content is not good enough but we still like sw but the way it is now its just sad
its more than obivius that people are giving up on star wars the lack of care are too visible now
like a said other times i am gonna watch ashoka because her its one of the best if that show sucks then i am done
but imagine other people who doesnt watched the Clone Wars
Sequels is disapointing
Book of Boba Fett is bad
Kenobi is bad
Mando season 3 is bad
Bad Batch is mid
of course that was gonna to happen it sucks because there is nothing to be said about its is obivius

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

StarkillerAG said:

I know I say this too much, but if you’re really that done with Star Wars… why are you still here? It’s pointless to come into these threads every week just to complain about how Star Wars is dead to you, and Disney are a bunch of hacks, and you just don’t care anymore. If you really don’t care, just move on. Find something you actually like.

i see your point haha and one time i left this site and i like some people here i said one time here that im gona watch ashoka, sw still has my interest even this interest is getting lower

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

Juno Eclipse said:

I’m sure I won’t be the first to say it, but Andor and Visions very enjoyable series for fans looking for something a little different to “The Madoverse” + Kenobi. Very different to this, in a good way.

i dont know i dont have patience with sw anymore like i dont want to try watch the show and dislike if i liked sw a litle more maybe but right now its a big fuck no

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

what a bad season i need to vent after the kenobi show sw is kind dead to me i did not watch tales of the jedi or andor but i watched this because i think that season 1 and 2 was good but season 3 is bad i kinda looking for ashoka it look good but i cannot know if desapoint me will i still be a sw fan damn

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

this season suffers from lack of focus weeks laters i ask what was the point of the episode 1 3 and now this one Disney doenst know what to do sw is obvious but dave filoni he worked with G.L and he dosent know what he is doing is just wow how can he fucked up this bad

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

man this episodes was soooooooo whatever if this show was like clone wars with 22 episodes would not hurt that much but it is 8 JUST FUCKING 8 AND THEY DON’T KNOW HOW TO USE TO TELL THEIR FUCKING STORY IF THEY HAD A STORY anyways this ep and the first one are the 2 worst episodes of this show yet why waste time in another story in ep 3 if that doesnt have anything to do with this one but at least i can enjoy that Ahmed Best is back in sw after everything that sw fans did to him

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

think is about time we ask for more from the Disney/sw writing room because the problems that this show is having and the other shows has is that it seems like pitch like someone came to lucasfilm with first draft and they green lighted the problems about this season like is out of focus and the story is not leading into anything is something that the Dave Filoni and his team should ask first wile making this show

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

i appreciate the prequels a lot i dont agree that revenge of the sith is bad or is one of the worst sw movies in good way the prequels expanded sw like try to read a sw comic or watch a show withou the prequels is kind hard
great fight except that final duel in ep 2 and i kind have a problem with mace vs palp and obi vs grievous but overwall very good fights
the cinematography is mid its not bad but the overuse of cg kind ruins for me
i get it people dont liking this movie when came out especially ep 1 and 2 but rots with his flaws has the best story of all movies not the actual script just the story

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

i think that people whi likes ep 7 and 9 only because they like ep 4 and 6, i can’t say the same about the last jedi because at least it tries, tries to expand the themes and stories of the pt and ot even tho i think is a mess.
a lot people shit now in sw and other franchises like mcu and dc because of nostalgia etc, but jar jar Abrams (i use this joke quite often) started all this with his ep 7 wich the only thing original or that makes sense in continuing the story of the saga is kylo ren and finn (what a waste) and that mystery Box thing, besides that nothing is original, the tech of the sequels is what bugs the most, a lot of people shit on the prequels tech because the are more advenced than ot, but makes sense imagine like if Hitler won the ww2 you think that the tech of today would be the same ? of course not, but when the rebels won and they lost to the FO after 30 YEARS NOTHING ABOUT THE TECH HAS CHAHGED ?
and the conflict bettwen the FO and resistence doesnt fell like a War if fells like small conflict and that is very diferent from the other trilogys
if was erros in my writing is because english is not my first language