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Idea: Revenge of the Sith (for maybe my first fan edit)

Sorry for my English, it’s not my first language.

Hello people, so I was watching revenge of the sith for the 1273737° time and I was enjoying it as always, but the last few times I’ve been watching it, some things have been bothering me, such as:

-Anakin’s turn to the dark side of the force.
-Padme’s death.
-Some jokes
-The fight between Mace Windu vs Palpatine.
-The last scene.

So I decided that I would fan edit this film, here are my ideas:

  • The movie ended with Vader born.

Split the final fight between two different scenes. (Add this theme:
but only the first 17 seconds)

  • Padme will not die.
  • Change the scene between Palpatine vs Windu.
  • I don’t know if this will interfere with the film’s immersion but:

Add some things from the Game,
for example:
Anakin Vs Windu
Anakin killing the Jedi.

Some of the lines…

  • I will try to add a scene of Anakin, with his power on the dark side, changing the color of his lightsaber, but then, obi wan makes the saber back to normal.
  • Take Tatoine out of the movie.
  • Try to add an Anakin line that is inspired by the film’s HQ: “I won’t let you die Padme. I WON’T!”
  • Exclude the line: “what have i done”
  • Luke mas Leia’s names are not spoken.

That’s what I have in mind.

Feel free to give opinions.