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<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

i think my final thots on this show is basiclly that i liked episodes 1-6 and 7 and 8 are bad, the finally was soo nothing with the only thing that matters being trawn and ezra has scaped and the magistrate has died and the rest is stuck on that planet
i has hoping that this show has gonna to make me more intresting in sw but nah

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

Fan_edit_fan said:

Sabine getting lightsaber stabbed, then magically brought back to full health in a “Star Wars hospital” was a HUGE eye roller. I don’t know why they keep doing this to characters.

because Lightsaber stab is not a stant kill, qui gon died because obi wan was fighting with darth maul, there is no way that obi could stop the fight to help him, after the fight quigon was dying but not dead if he got medical help during the fight maybe he would be slive in the saga

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

fmalover said:

Skybatman said:

not sure about sabine being a jedi its as never a thing on rebels

It’s been previously established that people who aren’t Force sensitive can still learn to competently wield lightsabers with enough practice. There were a few episodes in which Kanan taught Sabine how to effectively wield the Darksaber, and if I’m not mistaken she’s kept Ezra’s green lightsaber.

yeah but there is a scene in the trailer that looks like she using the force but we have to wait and see

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

i kind liked this 2 trailer but i am cautious
the show looks worst than andor but not as bad as kenobi not sure about sabine being a jedi its as never a thing on rebels
Thrawn looks really cool
i really want to see the lightsaber duels it need to be good
BUT i feel like this show is more like a step up story to the movie

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

in portuguese
“Você bateu em velocidade de luz?”
“Você não pode bater na Millennium Falcon em velocidade de luz!”

“Os seguidores dele escondem algo há anos.”
“Um enorme estoque de Destróieres Estelares do Antigo Império.”
“Cada nave foi modificada com canhões a laser de nível dreadnought.”

“Ele é muito perigoso.”

“Um Jedi precisa de sua arma.”

“Eles pagaram pela sua proteção.”
“De mais de uma maneira.”

“Que trabalho tedioso.”
“O que realmente precisamos é de um mecânico, idealmente uma unidade R2.”

“Vou com a Mestra Rey em uma missão muito importante.”