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<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

in some way i want this show to be good not only because fuck with star wars but because there are a lot of people calling “woke” saying this type of shit just because there a black woman in this show why getting a group of people with a fair amount of woman aways such hot topic and center of discussion ? im not saying that anyone who is not liking this trailer is racist or sexist but just because a lot criticism that disney sw gets it just because of the diversit…and like do u know that ur talking about sw ? do u think in galaxy with a lot creatures is impossible to have black people in it ? are u stupid

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Mocata said:

fmalover said:

Despite its detractors, the Canto Bight casino felt much more like a part of the SW universe than any other attempt Disney has made at replicating the OT look.

There, I said it.

Most of the ST at least was shot in an interesting way if nothing else. This samey desaturated low contrast stuff just seems flat and cheap.

yeah i agree why it feels that is the status quo of everything live action that disney does ?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Lmao one of them rests a lightsaber on his shoulder like it’s no big deal.

Sorry, I think this is a genuinely strange concept. If anything, it just gives the audience more questions in a movie that is already perplexing in a number of ways.

Plus, it’s not even complete, as many shots were cut away due to the creator not liking much of the choreography. I’ve never had an issue with the choreography, it’s literally no different than the largely telegraphed moves from the prequels. The only difference is that they are being rather slow and deliberate in their actions here so it stands out more, while in the prequels they were moving so fast that it wasn’t as obvious.

wtf the prequels has anything to do with this video and the fight choreography in the sequels ?

'The Mandalorian &amp; Grogu' (Upcoming Movie) - General Discussion Thread

this is from SW leaks on reddit:
[The Hollywood Reporter] Lucasfilm was intent on making season four of The Mandalorian, but their priority changed to the movie during the strike. Season four’s status is unclear.

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

i think my final thots on this show is basiclly that i liked episodes 1-6 and 7 and 8 are bad, the finally was soo nothing with the only thing that matters being trawn and ezra has scaped and the magistrate has died and the rest is stuck on that planet
i has hoping that this show has gonna to make me more intresting in sw but nah