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<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

We gotta get k2 in s2, I wonder if his motivation in hacking and adopting K2 has anything to do with having an ally that is able to hide in plain view? In E3 of this his robot unknowingly helps the Empire locate him.
Would also dovetail with the scene where Andor talks about how arrogant the Empire is that if you just look like you belong they don’t scrutinize you.

The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I: The Chronological Cut by Movies Remastered (Released)

I’m not editing so much as making a chronological cut.
Unlike a lot of folks around here I genuinely enjoy these shows for what they are.
I cut one Mando joke and there’s one scene I don’t like that others seem to really like. I have an A/B version of that episode, with and without the scene.
Basically I hate fractured story telling of any kind. My first edit was a Back to the Future in the 1990s using laserdiscs and a version of Kieslowski’s Three Colors (also the LD days) that cut the three movies together into one story.
The Walking Dead and it’s fractured story telling is what pushed me to take the plunge in editing. That project I call “Coast to Coast” and it’s TWD, FTWD and TWD:WB cut into one chronological narrative. Up to about 103 episodes on that one right now.
So the Mandoverse was a natural, quid pro quo here is how I approached integrating the three seasons into one linear story (it’s six episodes that vary from 2-3 hours for me):

Flashback to the Din as a child being rescued by Mandalorians
Present day, agrarian society on planet ambushed by orcs
Mandalorian titles
Boba Fett wakes up in the sarlaac, escapes, looted by Jawas, found by Tuskens
Din and his bounty on the ice world
Din gets the assignment, meets with the armorer
Heads off to another world, learns how to ride a blurgh, meets the IG droid and Grogu
BF tries to escape the Tuskens and has his ass handed to him
Din’s adventures with the Jawas through the repair of his ship
BF heads off to the desert to forage for water fruit, attacked by Ray Harryhausen critter
Din turns in Grogu for the bounty, changes his mind, shoot out and rescue by other Mandos
Din takes off, lands on backwater world, meets Cara Dune
BF realizes the threat of the train, heads to bar and beats up the spicerunners
Din realizes the threat on his world and decides to train the locals
BF shows up at Tusken camp with speeder bikes
Din trains the locals
Battle with chicken walker
Din and Grogu leave
BF trains Tuskens on speeder bikes
Spice train battle, BF triumphant, parties with Sand People & earns his own gaffi stick

The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I: The Chronological Cut by Movies Remastered (Released)

Do you have a more detailed list of what goes where when for future episodes?
I did my own chronological cut of the three seasons which I am generally pretty happy with, for me one of the stumbling blocks was when/where to place the tusken attack on the train in conjunction with the Mandalorian helping the villagers on the backwater planet. I wound up placing one after the other and it watches very samey.

Return of the Jedi Fan edit

honestabe said:

You could also consider removing the Leia line to Luke where she always “knew” she was his sister. It was over the top in my opinion. There was another fan edit that apparently incorporated lines from Battlefront between Luke and Boba.

My edit of ROTJ handles it like this:
Opens with Luke on Dagobah, talks with Yoda, Ben’s scene is cut, it really doesn’t do anything but regurgiate a lot of stuff already said, some of it spun.
Key thing is that Luke does not know that Leia is his sister.
Then various trims throughout the rest of the film to reflect this.
NOW, like in TESB, it’s Vader who initially sleuths it out via the Force in their duel that Luke has a sister, in TESB Vader revealed he was the father, now in ROTJ he reveals that Luke has a sister.
Gives Luke losing it in the battle a bit more oomph.
The movie now ends with Leia intuiting via her unfolding relationship with the Force that Luke is alive and her brother.
Much more organic.

You're Disney, what do you do with Star Wars?

I would have made a Force Awakens that was a helluva lot more in tone with The Last Jedi.
But what I would really do is digitize and dump.
Cut scenes, dailies, alternate takes, there would be a bonanza of behind the scenes stuff.
Would also clean up the Biggs scenes and add them back to A New Hope.
Make some regional theme parks where the movies are shown regularly on the big screen and have traveling themed exhibits of props and whatnot from the movies, admission would be affordable for average families.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

adywan said:

GuardianoftheWhills said:

NeverarGreat said:


New clip.

This Twitter thread has footage of the first ten minutes of Andor, which was shown with Rogue One in cinemas: https://twitter.com/AbandonedLizard/status/1563313819207643137?s=20&t=gTg7b1CiVgUKG0AWjVtn-A

Can anyone clarify if it is the first ten minutes or just 10 minutes from the first episode?

Anyway, it looks good.

I take it that no one grabbed the video before it was taken down?

I have it.

Re-evaluating Revenge of the Sith

The biggest failure of ROTS is General Grievous who is just a godawful mess of a character.
It’s “Ewoks with Jar Jar Binks on their shoulders running around in armor” level bad.
My cut of ROTS removes every visual scene with GG and reduces him to an offscreen McGuffin whose only purpose is to pull away Obi Wan Kenobi to isolate Anakin so that Palpy can mess with his head.

Icons Unearthed - new 6 part documentary on the OT (VICE)

Watched the first episode of this, there really isn’t anything new in here to anyone who has literacy in the history of the franchise, nor is there any new film (I think the D+ series which I haven’t started yet has that from what I’ve read in another thread).
The episode that I watched had two things going for it, really sharp and snappy editing to create humor throughout and some interviews with Marcia Lucas, which are about the only thing unique to this.

Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

To me it seems kinda weird that OWK brings a toy for Luke but how did he get it?
I suppose one could say he went to a store in Mos Espa/Eisley/Anchorhead/where ever but I think the Teeka scene needs to be back in there. It would slow down the pace of your story a bit, just seems weird to me that a hermit literally living in a cave has a toy laying around.

Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

This is one of two edits being discussed here of OWK that I wanted to see.
Disclaimer, I enjoy the show pretty much as is. I know a lot of people here have issues with a lot of it, I am not one of those folks. That doesn’t mean that I am open to seeing what someone else thinks is a different way of presenting it.

This edit is pretty lean and moves along at a good pace. I think that a lot of people here would enjoy watching it and I would be curious to see the reaction of someone who has never seen the show watching this first and then seeing the uncut six episodes as a directors cut so to speak and gauging their reaction.

The cuts made to the source material are done very ably and aren’t disruptive.

I would have kept the Teeka scene which is cut here, but that’s just how I roll, anything with Jawas and Tusken Raiders is a good thing in my editorial world.

Thanks, very much, for sharing this with me, Spence.

Why was Luke so impressed when he saw Mos Eisley for the first time? Anchorhead doesn't seem to be much smaller...

The exposition is for the audience, who have no idea what Mos Eisley is (in 1977 when the film was made and was a self contained thing).
I never thought seeing the movie at 11 that Luke was some indentured servant on the farm, he talked about going to Tosche Station (on his own) so clearly he has reign to come and go.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

I don’t really feel like OWK looks cheap, it’s just shot and framed differently and most of the time I don’t mind it.

Really the cheapest looking thing that I’ve seen in the Disney era is the uniform worn by the rebel guard in the prison episode of the Mandalorian. That was top to bottom hideous and exacerbated by how it looked like it didn’t even fit the actor.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

I am enjoying it, the one continuity issue that I have is that OWK doesn’t know that Anakin is still alive?
In Revenge of the Sith he literally watches a security video where Anakin is with Palpatine and Palpy refers to him as Vader, so if even once in the last ten years OWK has heard of the Emperor’s enforcer “Vader” he would have to know that Anakin is still alive. One could argue that he lives in a cave on Tatooine, doesn’t get out much, he’s clearly a cord cutter so he isn’t watching the Intergalactic News Network, but he knows who the Inquisitors are…it just seems a BIG stretch that Anakin Vader being alive is news to him.

Should &quot;Vader&quot; have come back for the sequel trilogy?

In the Art of The Force Awakens book they have some concept art for a force ghost Anakin that doesn’t maintain a static visage. I rather like that idea, like he’s still atoning for the things he did somehow.
Having said that, the only Vader cameo I ever wanted for the ST was a scene where he comes back as a force ghost and tells his grandson, “not in my name you brat.”


Maybe there’s a reason that the plans are on a data file that shows an earlier configuration of the station, perhaps the logic was that the file would be accessed less and no one would notice anything. Or open the file and look at it and say, oh, old data, pay it no mind and look for a newer version of plans.
The location of the dish is not something that bothers me in the least.
Some people see a flub that they can’t watch around, I just look at and think there’s a reason in this case. NBD.

Community Focus Thread 2: Return of the Jedi

My version opens with some repurposed YT film that represents the Bothans stealing the plans but being tracked.
Off to Luke on Dagonah, chats with Yoda who dies.
NO OBI WAN. The hut goes dark, Luke leaves.
Later on Endor Luke does not tell Leia that they are siblings because he doesn’t know this.
VADER is the one that reveals that Luke has a sister, the force reveals it to him during the duel.
Leia cements it that they are brother and sister, the Force has opened up to her, too.
We already know this if we’re watching things 1-2-3-Rogue 1–4-5-6