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Are you glad Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney or do you wish he hadn’t?

Spartacus01 said:

fmalover said:

Spartacus01 said:

In retrospect, I think that the best thing that Lucas could have done was keeping Lucasfilm away from Disney and maintaining it as an independent company, but still retiring to private life and putting someone else in charge of Lucasfilm, possibly not Dave Filoni.

In that scenario I fear Lucasfilm would have turned into Filoni’s fanfiction playground. I’m glad we aren’t living in that world.

I said “possibly NOT Dave Filoni”.

My bad.

Are you glad Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney or do you wish he hadn’t?

Spartacus01 said:

In retrospect, I think that the best thing that Lucas could have done was keeping Lucasfilm away from Disney and maintaining it as an independent company, but still retiring to private life and putting someone else in charge of Lucasfilm, possibly not Dave Filoni.

In that scenario I fear Lucasfilm would have turned into Filoni’s fanfiction playground. I’m glad we aren’t living in that world.

Last movie seen

Tobar said:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

It’s been decades since I first saw this film and this was my first time watching the Director’s Cut(4K). A fun film to pick up after doing a run of the Original Series. Though slows down a bit too much toward the end. The changes in the DC are a bit of a mixed bag. All of the changes done early in the San Francisco section are very poorly executed. Whereas the changes done in the V’ger section do a lot to add to the film and the atmosphere it’s building.

I’ve seen many refer to it as “the Slow Motion Picture”.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Tobar said:

My apparently unpopular opinion judging by past reactions:

I think they should have used Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors in Shadows of the Empire instead of creating Dash Rendar and Leebo. Kyle and Jan were already mercenaries working for the Rebellion with big accomplishments under their belts and they were active during that period. Instead we got a Han Solo wannabe that was as interesting as a slice of bread.

I always liked Dash Rendar, and Jon Knoles gave the best description of what differentiates him from Han Solo, that Han ultimately isn’t as tough as he appears whereas Dash is the really rough guy.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Channel72 said:

fmalover said:

Channel72 said:

Gandalf the Cyan said:

I can give Lucas a bit of slack for the lucklusterness of the PT and ROTJ, since he was ultimately just trying to make pulpy Flash Gordon-esque adventures, not high-art movies. ANH and ESB, however, were so good that they’re generally considered to have entered into the realm of high art. He then fell into a trap where his subsequent films were expected to be masterpieces as well, and I agree that he could have definitely done better on them. But since he really knocked it out of the park on his first 2 SW films, fans’ expectations were higher than his.

I don’t think this opinion is too unpopular, especially around this forum. ESB especially came out amazingly good, but went over budget and probably gave Lucas ulcers from the stress. He probably never intended to make Star Wars that good - but it ended up being that good anyway due to “lightning in a bottle” factors like Kasdan’s script, Kershner’s direction, and the natural chemistry between Hamill, Fisher and Ford.

Why does everyone ignore the fact that TESB was co-written by Leigh Brackett? They always make it seem like Lawrence Kasdan was the sole screenwriter.

Well, I definitely don’t ignore that. In fact, I posted a whole thread about Brackett’s screenplay a while back. But the reality is that close to 0% of Brackett’s draft made it into the final shooting script, so her role is often glossed over for the sake of brevity when discussing the development process of ESB.

In fact, I wouldn’t even necessarily say Brackett “co-wrote” ESB. That implies a collaboration between Brackett and Kasdan. In reality, Brackett independently wrote a completely different take on ESB based on Lucas’ plot outline. Lucas then rewrote the script from scratch apparently. It’s hard to say how many ideas in Lucas’ rewrite originated with Brackett. At face value, the later Kasdan scripts (which were based on Lucas’ rewrite) appear to be completely independent from Brackett.

Personally, I believe that elements of Brackett’s draft influenced the way Kasdan/Lucas thought about the story as they developed it. But that’s just my own speculation. The broad story elements - the plot, the locations, even some specific things like Luke being attacked by a snow monster - originated from Lucas’ plot outline, not Brackett’s draft. So it’s tough to identify specific ideas in the final script that unambiguously originated with Brackett. But going by Kasdan’s fourth draft and the final shooting script, pretty much 0% of Brackett’s original writing or dialogue carried over into later iterations.

So Brackett was credited as a screenwriter as an acknoledgement of her involvement?

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Channel72 said:

Gandalf the Cyan said:

I can give Lucas a bit of slack for the lucklusterness of the PT and ROTJ, since he was ultimately just trying to make pulpy Flash Gordon-esque adventures, not high-art movies. ANH and ESB, however, were so good that they’re generally considered to have entered into the realm of high art. He then fell into a trap where his subsequent films were expected to be masterpieces as well, and I agree that he could have definitely done better on them. But since he really knocked it out of the park on his first 2 SW films, fans’ expectations were higher than his.

I don’t think this opinion is too unpopular, especially around this forum. ESB especially came out amazingly good, but went over budget and probably gave Lucas ulcers from the stress. He probably never intended to make Star Wars that good - but it ended up being that good anyway due to “lightning in a bottle” factors like Kasdan’s script, Kershner’s direction, and the natural chemistry between Hamill, Fisher and Ford.

Why does everyone ignore the fact that TESB was co-written by Leigh Brackett? They always make it seem like Lawrence Kasdan was the sole screenwriter.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Spartacus01 said:

Personally, I think that it’s way more fun to fill in the blanks with your own imagination than having TV shows, books and comics before, between, and after the movies. Using your own imagination to imagine what happened between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith is way more fun than watching The Clone Wars, or reading the Clone Wars Multimedia Project. Using your own imagination to imagine what happened in the Old Republic era is much more fun than playing Knights of the Old Republic, or playing the Old Republic MMO. Using your own imagination to imagine Luke’s future adventures after Return of the Jedi is way more fun than reading the EU, or watching the Sequels.

I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion.

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, &amp; Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

JadedSkywalker said:

I didn’t like Mando it didn’t feel like Star Wars to me. Good show and enjoyable but it feels like Star Wars adjacent, but so very far away. Its more like one of those old EU things that wasn’t a part of the main story, like one of those books on the Bounty Hunters. or the criminal underworld in one of the anthology books. You know like a show that happens and exists in that world but doesn’t have Skywalker’s Jedi or Sith. At least until Luke showed up,lol.

The show i want will never be made the Luke Skywalker series set in between Return of the Jedi and Last Jedi. Now that Rey is going to rebuild the order Luke’s story purpose is redundant and unnecessary, so too expensive to deepfake Hamill for a series and no reason to.

Honestly I don’t like how they started to tie The Mandalorian to mainline SW characters. It severly shrinks the Galaxy.