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The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

JadedSkywalker said:

CourtlyHades296 said:

It is wrong to assume that your digital movies will be preserved by the studios, who recently cancelled films as tax write-offs and deleted films from digital collections. The only way to legally own a film is through physical media.

Disney erased Willow tv series from their service. Its never going to be officially on Blu-Ray either, they’ve only encouraged piracy.

It’s weird that sometimes piracy becomes the most effective means of preservation.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Spartacus01 said:

What I’m about to say might sound like a joke, but I’m serious.

If they will ever make an official “What if” animated episode (or movie) where Anakin doesn’t fall to the Dark Side and manages to live a happy life with Padmé, THAT will become the Canon version in my head. I will ignore Revenge of the Sith and subsequent works forever. Period.

I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion though…

You’re proposing a scenario in which Anakin goes through with Padme’s proposal of running off to live a quiet life away from all the Galaxy’s conflicts raising a family.

Should Dave Filoni Run The Creative Team at LucasFilm

Vladius said:

Yeah Andor is about actual rebels and the difficulties of starting a rebellion. Rebels would be a much better title for it too. Sometimes when watching Andor I started imagining all the events of Rebels happening in the same world and laughing.

It’s the main reason I hate Rebels so much. It’s always Mission Accomplished for the main characters with (almost) no casualties, main characters rarely if ever die, and the Empire is so laughably incompetent it makes you wonder how they rose to power in the first place.

Your political opinion aside, which Politican was the most like Palpatine's <strong>facade</strong> as a Chancellor during the CW?

YouTube user HelloGreedo made what is IMO the best critique of how Palpatine is portrayed. When he first appears in the OT he was inspired by the Roman and Chinese Emperors of old, but the prequels made him so goddamn evil, more akin to a mythological creature from the Underworld.

From what I’ve read about The Rise of Skywalker (I refuse to watch that movie), Abrams cranked up the whole evil entity to a ludicrous level.

What if The Prequels were based on the Pre-PT EU and were more &quot;OT Accurate&quot;?

Before the prequel trilogy, I always assumed the reason you didn’t hear about the Jedi having love lives was because they tended to be hyper-focused on their vocation, but if a Jedi were to fall in love it was no big deal.

At no point in the OT did either one of Obi-Wan or Yoda say to Luke something like “Now that you have chosen this path you must forsake any notion of a love life. Your father violated this.” or something to that effect.

What if The Prequels were based on the Pre-PT EU and were more &quot;OT Accurate&quot;?

Superweapon VII said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Vladius said:

That’s really interesting. I actually just read Dark Empire and I’m on Dark Empire 2 right now. I still question that internal logic though because the Emperor was clearly Vader’s master, and the Dark Lord of the Sith wasn’t ever subordinate to anyone else in TOTJ, other than ghosts of former Dark Lords like Marka Ragnos.

I’m trying to think of a justification for this inconsistency and I’m coming up blank.

I like to entertain the idea that Anakin joined the Sith specifically to gain the power to defeat Palpatine. But he overestimated his own abilities, confronted Palpatine half-cocked, had his ass handed to him, and was forced to join him or die.

This is a way better idea than Anakin joining the Sith to prevent Padme from dying during childbirth IMO.

What changes would you make to the Sequels?

henzINNIT said:

Instead of dragging Palpatine’s corpse back, use Anakin as the final ‘boss’. The confrontation on Mortis ends with Anakin Skywalker appearing to Rey and Kylo. Anakin has become the ‘Father’, intent on bringing balance to the force, and to achieve this he needs a Son (Kylo) and a Daughter (Rey). Both have been ‘destined’ to fulfill these positions and have felt the weight of external forces pulling them throughout their lives. Rey defies prophecy, choosing to leave and help the galaxy directly rather than watch from a distance.

That’s a pretty fucking cool idea.

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

Peter Pan said:

I would love to see Huyang join Baylan in an endeavour to establish a remade Jedi/whatever-you-wanna-call-it order in the new galaxy.
Baylan is clearly driven by the thought of a new, improved order, and Huyang has fallen out of time with the fall of the Jedi. It makes sense for them to start over again.

Too bad Ray Stevenson died. Baylan has proven to be the most popular character in this series.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - General Discussion thread (KotOR, KotOR II)

Vladius said:

Yeah I’ll never forgive what they did by making the TOR MMO instead of 3, and having Revan and the Exile go down like weak punks in a tie-in book. One of the biggest betrayals or mistakes in the EU other than maybe Jacen Solo becoming a Sith.

KOTOR 2 having a mysterious open ending is interesting in its own way anyway.

Other than having the Exile as a Force Ghost, TOR otherwise pretends KOTOR 2 never happened.