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Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
The offer is now closed.

I don't know how many of you have sent in your discs but now I'm getting threats saying I'm going to be arrested and sued for what I'm doing.

I never meant any harm and never meant to take advantage of anyone. Good luck with the torrents and I guess TK47 is back in business.

I will fulfill any requests that people have sent me but no more.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Master Sifo-Dyas
Is there a way to copy the files on the laserdisc directly onto the harddrive? I would like to know if there is hardware that could achieve this (or if it can be built, theoretically). I was thinking on something along the lines of a LD player rigged into some sort of "LD-Drive" that you can hook up directly to the IDE port.

If that was possible I could back up my LDs with the highest quality (i.e. losless). *starts dreaming*

It's impossible.

Laserdisc is an analog format.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: f13fan
i have 100% faith the set i just bought... DVD Set is gonna kick major tail. i purchased a set off of the same seller a while back and he assured me they were the same transfers (which in my opinion were absolutely flawless) of the films themselves the only difference (and in my opinion A MAJOR difference) is the packaging, now in a pretty cool 4 dvd case, and the inclusion of the "ultimate" bonus dvd that inclusdes the hour long Making Of documentary (which after talking to the seller he made me aware it is the FROM STAR WARS TO JEDI feature!) anyways, sorry for ramblin, im gonna sit by the mailbox and wait!

later guys

Exactly what I'm talking about. Making money off of the fans.

Though if I may be so bold as to say it, if you're stupid enough to pay $50 for packaging (ugly packaging at that...who wants them all in one case???), good luck to you.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: DonnieDarko
What special features are on the supplemental disc? Does it have the trailers and deleted scenes? I know either way I'm sending the discs, but I was just curious to see what specials are on the supplemental disc. Thanks

It has all the supplements that were contained in the Definitive Edition laserdisc set. There have never been deleted scenes available on VHS or laserdisc. It does contain the trailers.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
I just check PRICEWATCH.COM and found 100 yes 100 blank DVD-r for only $40 shipped to your door!

True, these probably aren't the best DVD-R's and personally, I only use something that's going to last but as I said, there's a possibility of having something that WILL last and at much cheaper prices than what TK47 is charging.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: DonnieDarko
Digitalfreaknyc, I have sent you an e-mail, But I have some questions.

All you need from me are blank dvd-r discs and then I just send
you the package with the discs in it, and you send them back to me with the dvd data
recorded on them?

And make sure you put enough postage on the package to get back to you. And that's it!
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: TR47
Hey all,
Given the less than amicable reception to the sales of my set, and the fact I found a supplier of blanks for cheaper, I am lowering my price down to $25 shipped for the 5 disc set and $5 for additional discs, effective tomorrow. I don't expect this to change anyone's opinion of my actions but I thought an update was warranted nonetheless.

oh please.

a different supplier? It's called Best Buy. I buy 25 blanks for about $40-50.

again...my offer stands. 4 blank discs. Plus shipping.

That's all you pay.

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
Originally posted by: Rikter
Has anybody seen a set with these menus?

Is this the Anamorphic set that I've been hearing about?


Those are the anamorphic discs that I am offering.

Let me know, guys!!!

I've already sent off emails to those who have emailed me. If you didn't receive an email with my instructions, please email Digitalfreaknyc@aol.com and I will get them to you.

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs

I'm done downloading all the discs and I will now open them up for B&P (blanks and postage). If you are interested, shoot me an email at Digitalfreaknyc@aol.com. I will send out a mass email detailing how we will accomplish this and how I will get you all your copies.

I also have The Making of SW/Empire mastered from laserdisc. It hasn't been cleaned up but is a good enough copy if you're interested in that as well.

Again, I'm doing this because it's pointless to charge people for this and I don't believe real fans would. I just ask that you give me time as I'm sure there are going to be a good number of people interested.

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR
Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
Originally posted by: vince_the_destroyer
heh, well, at the very least, ppl with dvd burners should pass the copies along to whoever else wants em.

btw, digitalfreak, are you gonna send out the bonus material too? also, how can you d/l it so fast when I only get 4k a sec?

I will be making copies of whatever people want. I have the supplements disc and if you want that, you send 4 discs instead of 3. Oh and btw...I have the Making of Star Wars and Empire on DVD as well. Mastered from the laserdisc.

Empire is done. Just waiting for Jedi now.

When do you usually get the files to download?

I've been downloading for the last two days.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Mackey256
You guys crack my $hit up. Your spending hours and hours of your life trying to get these Torrent files to download when you could have just dropped 30 bux for the TR47 discs and been done with it.

It takes no effort for me to leave my computer on. I'd rather leave it on and get an ANAMORPHIC transfer with menus than to give my money to someone who's obviously ripping people off. It's a matter of principle. I'm not spending another dime on this trilogy unless it's official.

And btw...he's charging $40.
And it's not the same version as this.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: vince_the_destroyer
heh, well, at the very least, ppl with dvd burners should pass the copies along to whoever else wants em.

btw, digitalfreak, are you gonna send out the bonus material too? also, how can you d/l it so fast when I only get 4k a sec?

I will be making copies of whatever people want. I have the supplements disc and if you want that, you send 4 discs instead of 3. Oh and btw...I have the Making of Star Wars and Empire on DVD as well. Mastered from the laserdisc.

Empire is done. Just waiting for Jedi now.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: sirwalter
>>>Well, your post seemed to completely disregard my offer. Personally...i don't know why people would want to leave their computer on for days on end when they could just send some discs out with $3 postage and get it. But to each his own.

not sure how i disregarded your offer.....was trying to help you complete your download, not to mention help other people who already started at torrentbox...how can you do b&p's if you dont finish? not to mention im assuming youd rather not have an endless stream of requests. ..to be honest i thought i was helping you out

I don't mind being inundated with requests. I'm happy to help.

but thank you for the help. I haven't had a problem for a couple of days now. It should still be downloading when I get home. I guess we'll see. Tonight Empire will be done...and hopefully tomorrow, Jedi. So this weekend I will give out all my informaiton and people can start sending their stuff in!
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: sirwalter
>>>I don't know what you're talking about but see my other post. I'm offering them up primarily for free which is what B&P's are.

Again...the copies i'm offering are NOT TK-47's. I'm not spending the money to buy them and if you want to, be my guest. I'm offering the anamorphic versions with commentaries and menus.

sorry, but when i say "people are selling" copies of pre se trilogy why do you assume im talking about you?? i posted those links because people (you in particular) were saying torrentbox was down. not sure why that makes you think i want to buy tk47s copies (i posted links so people DONT have to buy it) and i know what b&p is.

Well, your post seemed to completely disregard my offer. Personally...i don't know why people would want to leave their computer on for days on end when they could just send some discs out with $3 postage and get it. But to each his own.

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: petrob
Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
Btw...considering the attitude shown by TK-47, I'm seriously considering doing B&P's for anyone who wants this set. That means...you send me 4 blank DVD-R disc plus a postage paid package for the blank DVDr's to be sent back to you. I'll burn them and put them into the package and just drop them in the nearest box. It's the least I could do for the fans who really want it. I wouldn't want to make any money off of this.

Any ideas which brand of DVD-R discs work well with your burner and most living room players? I was thinking of sending you some of those nice looking Verbatim discs that look like actual movie reels. Real cool! Let me know when you're ready to burn all 4 DVD-R's. I'll send mine asap. Do you have a problem shipping to Canada like TR47 does?


I will ship to Canada...or I should say...as long as you put enough postage on the package, you shouldn't have a problem. I'm just dropping it in the mailbox.

I always use TDK discs. Never had a problem with any of my players and I have 3.

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: sirwalter
ok seeing as torrentbox is down and people are trying to charge money for copies......heres links to torrents (that are up and going strong) this is the anamorphic version, same as on torrentbox. if youve already begun on torrentbox, these links should still work-you just may need to rename the folders to match the names of new torrent.

I don't know what you're talking about but see my other post. I'm offering them up primarily for free which is what B&P's are.

Again...the copies i'm offering are NOT TK-47's. I'm not spending the money to buy them and if you want to, be my guest. I'm offering the anamorphic versions with commentaries and menus.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Erbos
Can't somebody host the torrent files on a ftp or something. It would be so much easier if I just can download the files.

Dude...you're NOT understanding. The files are pretty useless unless you have people seeding the DVD's. If the site is down or no one is seeding it, you're not getting them regardless of your having the files or not. The files are just links. Nothing more.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: vince_the_destroyer
you're a great guy digitalfreak

actually, to save you trouble, it would probably be easier for you just to continue seeding the torrents and providing the torrent files. Because your generosity is great, but if you're inundated with 20 requests there might be some problems.

Yes...but you guys are going to have more problems trying to download these files than just sending me some blanks and postage. It's not a huge deal. It just might take me some time to burn them all. I can burn up to 4x so i could get a set done a night if I don't have too much going on around that time. Just make sure you get discs that burn at 4x. I recommend TDK's...that's all I use. But again, all i'm doing is burning, sticking them in the envilope you provide with postage already put on it and dropping it in the mailbox. You guys are on your own if you don't put enough postage on it or anything like that.

All I have to say is that I DO NOT want to see my Con ED bill after leaving my computer on for all these days. lol

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Erbos
Okey thanks. Have you heard anything on how long it will take for it to come back up online?

They're back up now.

For everyone interested, I should be done downloading the torrents in the next couple of days. Please PM or Email me to tell me if you're interested in a B&P for the 4 disc set. To repeat, I'm making NO money off of this and am offering to burn you the discs for free as long as you are patient and give me time. I am downloading the anamorphic version with menus. NOT TK-47's version. if you feel like paying $40 for it, go right ahead. If you want it for the cost of some blanks and postage, then talk to me.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Erbos
Thanks, but I don't get them to work.

Again...the torrents are down. They're currently not working.

Btw...considering the attitude shown by TK-47, I'm seriously considering doing B&P's for anyone who wants this set. That means...you send me 4 blank DVD-R disc plus a postage paid package for the blank DVDr's to be sent back to you. I'll burn them and put them into the package and just drop them in the nearest box. It's the least I could do for the fans who really want it. I wouldn't want to make any money off of this.