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The Original Trilogy - Laser Disc Conversion Thread

Originally posted by: Rikter

Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
When they become cheaper??

You can get a dual-layer burner right now for $90. How much cheaper do you want them? lol

Where from and how much is the media??

Media is coming out this week or next supposedly. Around $3-5 each.

NEC is making the dual-layer burners. They're $90 all over the web. Just look.

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Rikter
Originally posted by: Laserman
I am sure I will be able to find room for a menu

- I have a collection of Original Star Wars Trailers - WAY more than is on the Extras disc - I've been toying with the idea of MAYBE making a Original Trilogy Trailers DVD......

It would be short BUT it would have all the know trailers (we'll all the trailers i've found on the net + the DVD's we've all created )


There's already a VCD of this and it's VERY comprehensive. True...the quality is questionable...but...just saying. Might be a good "checklist" for you.

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
It's still the same quality as a dvd9, if not the convenience.

Again...what the hell does that mean? What is the same quality of a DVD9? That phrase itself means nothing. Everything depends on the original transfer, bitrate and how much bitspace is used on the disc. A properly formatted dual-layer disc will always be much better than a single layer disc becuase it has DOUBLE the amount of space. You can't say that a single layer disc has the same quality as a dual layer because it doesn't. It's simple numbers. it's impossible. Maybe to your eye, you can't see a difference. But I guarantee you that if you blow that image up and do a comparison, you'll see a difference.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: lazysean
An even simpler concept would be how spreading a movie over two discs also gives you double the space, yet you seem to have missed that.

I haven't missed that at all. That's exactly what I'm saying.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to have the same quality on a single layer disc as a dual layer disc.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
No, you don't have to see it to know that it's not DVD9 quality. It's IMPOSSIBLE to say that it looks like it has double the amount of space available than it has right now. You can say that the quality is fantastic or looks almost like the original but the person selling this already threw his credibility out the window when he said it was uncompressed.

And no, if the guy put his transfer to dual layer, it would NOT be the same as it is now. It would most likely be a helluva lot closer to the actual laserdisc it was copied from. You have double the amount of space to work with. It's a pretty simple concept.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
I was referring to the SE LD's, not the upcoming SE DVD's. The LD's were done strictly from analog sources. Burtt has digitized all known audio sources (save an occasional line of dialogue or foley effect) to remix the DVD soundtracks.

This is completely and totally false. The soundtracks for the SE LD's were the same soundtracks used for the theatrical re-releases in 1997 which were (for all intensive purposes) 5.1 mixes. The laserdiscs were faithful to this new remix and had some of the best directional effects around. No fidgeting with a 2.0 mix is going to achieve that. Sorry, but you're wrong.

It's not like my soundtrack is causing you physical harm, right? Quit making this into a pissing contest.

I never said it was. If you're creating these for yourself, then fine. I don't care if you make pan-and-scan versions of them. But if you're making them to try and better the versions out there, a 5.1 remix that you've done yourself is not going to do it. Regardless of what you're doing...a remixed and compressed 5.1 remix will NEVER sound better than a PCM 2.0 if that was its original format.

Drop the attitude. I've been nothing but nice on this forum and I'm doing a big service to the fans. Just because I'm challenging what YOU are doing, don't get nasty.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
"Why oh WHY do people create 5.1 tracks. THERE IS NO 5.1 TRACK!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!!!"

Hey Dude...chill out. It gives me a Pro-logic II soundtrack without needing a Pro-logic II outboard decoder (which I don't have), and the .ac3 file takes up far less space than the PCM file. If you knew what you were doing, you'd see the obvious benefits here.

If you also knew what you were doing, you'd know this is exactly how LFL derived their 5.1 soundtrack for the SE's, rather than from the 6-track masters. As for me, I've been doing months of research and spent hundreds of dollars for this project, and now I have a great looking AND SOUNDING SW DVD of the O-OT.

"The Def. Collection is the same transfer as the faces laserdisc. *sigh* Do you know what you're doing?"

Which is precisely why I asked my question. *sigh* Do you comprehend what you are reading?

Part of the problem with EVERY bootleg that has come out is precisely what you're doing. There's NO reason to remix to 5.1 because it never sounds good. And i completely challenge your statement that what LFL did with the SE's was to remix the regular track to 5.1 like your doing. Completely not the case. They did a complete overhaul of the films soundtrack.

And if you had a great sounding set, they would be in uncompressed PCM instead of your compressed Dolby Digital.

Yes, I comprehend what I'm reading. But obviously someone who has done months of research and spent hundereds of dollars on equipment should know what the hell they're transferring before they do it, no? Or am I just ASSuming something.

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: oojason
IIRC there is usually a 4% time difference in total length of a film being shown between PAL and NTSC - deosn't seem a great deal to me - tho I havn't got the eye or ear for noticing such things.

You are correct...a 4% difference. But that is not the only problem you will have in displaying it if you have an NTSC TV. There has to be an internal conversion of the signal which results in other problems.

For me, the 4% can be very annoying unless you tune it out which can be hard. Sometimes you don't have a choice.

With these, I'd much rather use an NTSC source especially with Star Wars, which I know word for word, note for note.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Laserman
Right back atchya!

Bidding on the LD definitive collection at the moment - wish me luck!

You're welcome to try but I don't think it would be possible to make a better version than the 16x9 ones I have. With the commentaries and extras, they take up every last bit of data on a blank disc. I wouldn't waste your time or your money until the dual-layer burners come out. Then a while lot of new boots will come out and you could make yours one of the first. Just my opinion...