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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

towne32 said:

SparkySywer said:

I have SW and ESB 1.0, and RotJ 2.7. I’m thinking about replacing SW and eSB with 2.7, what are the differences between them?

Well, SW 1.0 is extremely out of date. Just about everything has been improved dramatically since then. ESB 1.0 isn’t terrible, but 2.0 uses much higher quality sources. The encodings of all the 1.0s are also lower quality (low bitrate, a bit more pixelated).

As for Jedi 2.7, it doesn’t exist which is problematic for comparisons. But Jedi 2.5 is out, and ESB 2.5 will be someday in the hopefully-not-too-distant future.

My bad. Jedi 2.5, then. Is there anywhere I can see comparisons between them? All I know that’s different between ANH 1.0 and ANH 2.7 is that the Leia hologram is different.

Return of the Jedi: Vader and Luke - (Return of the Jedi edited into a short film)

Jeebus said:

SparkySywer said:

What you had in mind is better than what I put in there, I’ll use your idea.

Squeezing in the clip wouldn’t work, though. I’m using Harmy as a base and I believe you used the 2004 DVD as a base.

I actually used DarthRush’ RotJ Remastered, and he says that he used Despecialized for about 95% of the edit. So it should work, unless the 5% that isn’t Despecialized just happens to be the clips I used, or he did some color correction of his own.

darthrush said:

Jeebus said:

SparkySywer said:

What you had in mind is better than what I put in there, I’ll use your idea.

Squeezing in the clip wouldn’t work, though. I’m using Harmy as a base and I believe you used the 2004 DVD as a base.

I actually used DarthRush’ RotJ Remastered, and he says that he used Despecialized for about 95% of the edit. So it should work, unless the 5% that isn’t Despecialized just happens to be the clips I used, or he did some color correction of his own.

Just checked. It is Harmys.

My bad. It just looked like the 2004 DVD for some reason to me I guess.

Return of the Jedi: Vader and Luke - (Return of the Jedi edited into a short film)

What you had in mind is better than what I put in there, I’ll use your idea.

Squeezing in the clip wouldn’t work, though. I’m using Harmy as a base and I believe you used the 2004 DVD as a base.

Edit: Done! It’s got some shots of the battle, and also fixes the continuity error. Also removed “Now Witness the Firepower”.

Return of the Jedi: Vader and Luke - (Return of the Jedi edited into a short film)

Jeebus said:

Very well done. I really only put up with the rest of the movie to see Luke fight Vader, so this edit’s a blessing. I only have two problems, and one of them it seems you’re aware of. It may technically break the philosophy of this edit, but perhaps inserting a very small clip of the space battle, between the two scenes where Luke jumps to the window, would work.

“I’m afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.”

Cut to battle outside, just enough to make it clear that things are not going well and that the deflector shields are still up.

Cut back to the throneroom.

“As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed…”

I like it. I’ll make a second version with that.

Edit: Not sure exactly what to put there. Additionally I don’t wanna focus too much on Han, Leia, etc, because they havent’ been introduced in this movie, but there’s a lot of that. I just kinda added a few bits of Ewoks.

Jeebus said:

My other minor complaint is that when Luke first grabs his saber, it seems like he goes directly for Vader. I tried something similar to this edit once, it didn’t pan out, but I do remember that I had Luke go for the Emperor’s neck with Vader blocking, just as it happens in the unedited movie. Directly following that was a backwards clip of the same clip. So it played out like this; Luke tried to kill the Emperor, Vader blocks, they lock blades for a bit, then they lift them away to begin fighting.

I tried remaking it to help illustrate my idea.

I tried doing that originally but couldn’t get it to look right. I’ll redo it like that, though.

Edit: If you don’t mind me doing that.

Edit again: Should I add an opening crawl or leave it as is?

Return of the Jedi: Vader and Luke - (Return of the Jedi edited into a short film)

A week or so ago I thought it might be cool to edit RotJ into a short film, focused solely on Luke, Vader, and his redemption. The movie’s 17 minutes and 26 seconds long.

There are no real transitions, except before and after the scene where Vader dies. Everything’s one big long thing, with the scenes flowing into the next as best I could.

Luke’s Arrival at the Throne Room
Chunks of the Battle of Endor (By Jeebus’s Suggestion)
Luke attacks the Emperor, beginning of Luke v Vader
Luke v Vader (use your aggressive feelings, boy)
Luke hiding from Vader and Jedi Fury
Luke is zapped, the Emperor dies
Vader dies
Funeral pyre

Other notes:
-I used Harmy Despecialized 2.7 as the basis of the fanedit.
-Vader’s death scene is flipped horizontally to make the transition to the Funeral pyre scene better.

This was mostly just an experiment to see if this was possible. Don’t be expecting a masterpiece orgasmic movie, unfortunately, but I think it still came out decently.

This can not be found in the usual places because I don’t know how to put it there. PM me for a download.

Length: 15m23
File Size: 640 MB

Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

darthrush said:

Jeebus said:

SparkySywer said:

LordRorek said:

Mithrandir said:

Yes. This approach, the inclusion of more militaristic dialogue and the removal of any references to Anakin as a diminished character makes this edit the most promising ROTS fan-edit since the days of Aalenfae, Cutter and Bob Garcia’s edits.

Yeah, I’m only hoping he does the same for AOTC so that I can have the perfect machete order. 😂

Cut out AotC. It’s doesn’t really add anything, and it’s irrelevant like TPM. Boom perfect machete order* (once this fanedit is done).

*Technically that’s no longer Machete Order, but eat my shorts.


I have always wondered if you could rewrite the crawl and re edit a few things to make episode 3 the only prequel. Not sure how you would be able to do that though.

Easy. The only stuff you’re missing if you cut out AotC is that Dooku is the leader of the Separatists, who are trying to break away from the Republic, which started the Clone Wars. Everything else is implied later.


The galaxy is in turmoil. Led by the evil Sith Lord Count Dooku, the Separatist Alliance is wreaking havoc all throughout the stars, in an attempt to break away from the Republic and form a Sith Theocracy, in the treacherous Clone Wars.

In a stunning move, the fearsome Separatist General Grievous has attacked the Galactic Republic’s capital of Coruscant, killing millions and kidnapping Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, thrusting the sheltered planet into the reality of the war.

The Jedi, guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, have sent their two most decorated warriors, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, on a daring mission to chase after the fleeing Separatist Army and rescue their captive chancellor…

Here’s one that doesn’t change established facts:

The galaxy is in turmoil. Led by the evil Sith Lord Count Dooku, the Confederacy of Independant Systems is wreaking havoc al throughout the stars, in an attempt to break away from the Republic, creating a pocket of the dark side, in the treacherous Clone Wars.

In a stunning move, the fearsome Separatist General Grievous has attacked the Galactic Republic’s capital of Coruscant, killing millions and kidnapping the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, thrusting the sheltered planet into the reality of the war.

The Jedi, guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, have sent their two most decorated warriors, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, on a daring mission to chase after the fleeing Separatists Army and rescue their captive chancellor…

Idea: EA Battlefront as a source of new footage for fan edits

Anakin Starkiller said:

Funcha said:

I think the idea is interesting, but in execution I don’t see how you could integrate any of the video game footage into any of the films without the switch being incredibly jarring.

What makes you say that?

I don’t know what it is, but it’s very obvious that the footage is from a video game. I’m going with lighting, for the Vader scene linked earlier in the thread, but for other scenes, faces and motion too.

Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

LordRorek said:

Mithrandir said:

Yes. This approach, the inclusion of more militaristic dialogue and the removal of any references to Anakin as a diminished character makes this edit the most promising ROTS fan-edit since the days of Aalenfae, Cutter and Bob Garcia’s edits.

Yeah, I’m only hoping he does the same for AOTC so that I can have the perfect machete order. 😂

Cut out AotC. It’s doesn’t really add anything, and it’s irrelevant like TPM. Boom perfect machete order* (once this fanedit is done).

*Technically that’s no longer Machete Order, but eat my shorts.

I tend to watch the SE sometimes

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

SparkySywer said:

It’s refreshing to watch them every once in a while.

TV’s Frink said:


It’s different. Different stuff is refreshing. Not necessarily good, but different and interesting to look at once in a while. I would never show it to a newcomer to Star Wars, and I probably wouldn’t ever watch it in a marathon with friends, but I might look at a scene or two every once in a while.

Are retrospective changes just fan service?

crissrudd4554 said:

Density said:

Possessed said:

Nobody is disputing that 04 onwards is worse than the 97

Pretty sure anyone who thinks that the 97 is somehow totally different from the later SEs and has more in common with the originals is just as blinded by nostalgia for those editions as they claim we are for the OUT.

I think part of it is because of all the SEs it has the fewest changes and the coloring is somewhat closer to the original.

Yes. The general look of the movie isn’t all that different. Obviously the tone and content are different, but the look isn’t.

Help: looking for... that fanedit that completely removed Jar Jar?

I remember seeing, probably a year or so ago, a WIP fanedit that completely removed Jar Jar from the prequels, or maybe just the Phantom Menace, I don’t remember. It was pretty amazing, removing him from the audio, and erasing him from the video, too. It had a trailer on dailymotion or vimeo, probably the latter. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find anything on it anywhere anymore. Does anyone remember this, and have any links to anything on it?