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Worst Dialogue from............................The Phantom Menace!

I don’t think any particular line bothers me as much as some of the dumb exchanges in this movie

QUI-GON: Your highness, with your permission we’re headed for a remote planet called Tatooine. It’s in a system far beyond the reach of the Trade Federation.
PANAKA: I do not agree with the Jedi on this one.
QUI-GON: You must trust my judgement.
End of scene.

This scene is so stupid and pointless and it grinds my gears so bad

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Vladius said:

I addressed that already. Obi Wan is saying that Luke has to be willing to kill Vader, but he’s not sending him to kill Vader, as that would be pointless. The word they use is confront. I already posted this somewhere else but there’s a quote from one of the Timothy Zahn books where Luke talks about this, he says that he assumed that when they told him to confront Vader that that meant he would have to kill him, but that was wrong and that wasn’t necessarily what they meant. Not that that is Disney canon or G canon, but it shows that before the prequels that was the normal interpretation.

Do you remember which book?

In the conversation they’re having right before this exchange, they’re disagreeing on whether or not Vader has any good left in him. I feel like the post-prequel interpretation makes more sense to me than Obi-Wan just wanting him to be prepared to kill Vader.

Why is sending Luke to kill Vader pointless? What’s the difference in sending him to “confront” Vader if he has to be willing to kill him, anyway?

'The Mandalorian & Grogu' (Upcoming Movie) - General Discussion Thread

I don’t think they’d drop the ST so overtly, it would probably do the opposite of restoring faith in Disney Star Wars. It would be an embarrassing scandal and a major signal in a lack of faith in their own capabilities. They might sweep it under the rug, but does Disney even consider it worth sweeping under the rug? They’re making a Rey movie, after all.

I think what Disney Star Wars would need to become popular again would be a new generation, sub-franchise, series, idk these things are supposed to be called, with compelling new characters to be the new face of Star Wars for the next decade. I think that’s what they were trying to do with The Mandalorian, but it didn’t pan out and I don’t think the first season was designed with that in mind. I don’t think these characters are going to get a second chance.

Ranking the Star Wars films

It’s my personal opinion, but I don’t feel like we need to see Anakin or Padme get brutalized for me to sympathize with them. Slavery is wrong in and of itself. Even if their master treats them well, they still own them. As a slave, Anakin would never fulfill his potential or make a life of his own, he’d simply be Watto’s property.

Similarly, I don’t feel like I have to see mass murder for me to think that the Trade Federation invading and occupying a sovereign planet is wrong, either, or that Padme’s situation of having to deal with her planet taken by force isn’t dire without seeing it. There’s a couple scenes where they say the Trade Federation is trying to make the people of Naboo suffer to coerce her into making the invasion legal, and maybe it would have helped to show and not tell, but we do still see some of the effects of the occupation, so it’s not like they don’t show it at all.

I also sort of like how young they made kid Anakin. There are some scenes where I feel like it would do the movie well if he acted more mature. But I like kid Anakin’s innocence, and, I’m not sure how to articulate it, but this feeling of Anakin’s life being a blank canvas that I’m not sure would be there if his age was bumped up to being a teenager or older like a lot of people suggest, where he’s already well on his way to being a grown man. Or maybe this is all nostalgia, though. When I was a kid I loved kid Anakin.

I agree though that Obi-Wan’s kind of lame. The older drafts of the movie where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are combined into the same character sound really interesting, and I wish something like that was preserved. Either that, or Obi-Wan was the proactive character and Qui-Gon was another apprentice of his. It is what it is, though

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

BedeHistory731 said:

Also, agreed about the laughable idea of a corporation or the mass media having a “leftist agenda.” A corporation having a “leftist agenda” would mean that it’s not a corporation anymore.

This is just a semantic argument, though, right? You know what he’s talking about but you choose not to engage with it because you disapprove of his word choice.

Leftists will personally choose to define leftism to include anti-corporatism despite knowing that it’s not the common parlance, and then act like the average person is just an idiot for using the meaning of the word that’s naturally evolved through real-life political contexts and dismiss what they’re saying out of hand.

Superweapon VII said:

Imagine thinking a corporation has a leftist agenda. lawl. Just goes to show how obscenely skewed to the right the Overton window in America is.

In the year of our lord 2024 it comes off to me as willful ignorance not to notice that media corporations, and most large corporations in general for that matter, are overtly aligning themselves with social movements that certainly can not be called right-wing. Especially when the director of this show is overtly saying that their works include activism.

Maybe this is all a desperate attempt to market their show, but wouldn’t that make treating Anjohan like he’s done something really awful with what he’s said a little silly?

BedeHistory731 said:

Dog whistles about “directors hating men” and the whole “leftist agenda” are disingenuous at best and downright dangerous at worst.

Anybody who is still making the points about “woke” stuff killing brands is genuinely dangerous to people’s safety.

BedeHistory731 said:

I’m thinking, all right. Thinking about the safety of my friends.

Despite claiming to hate Disney, and boycotting them, you’ve still managed to become convinced that you must defend this product of theirs as a matter of people’s safety. If you’re truly convinced of that, some stranger on the internet like me is not capable of changing your mind, but do you at least recognize the irony in that?

Remember, what you’re claiming Anjohan did which was dangerous is claiming that the show directed by a woman who said “Every single piece of work that I have ever created has a piece of activism in it,” is going to have a political agenda.

Does anyone here even actually have faith in the Rey show, anyway? Is literally anyone in this thread even going to watch it?

For the record, I would’ve been interested in the first Star Wars media directed by a woman. I think a woman would’ve created something substantially different from male-created Star Wars media, but I don’t have any interest in anything that connects to The Rise of Skywalker. Maybe I’ll check out the second piece of Star Wars media directed by a woman.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Vladius said:

The line “once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny” is also misinterpreted. Yoda isn’t saying literally any time you get angry or use the Force in anger, you’re beyond hope or redemption. … The consequences of your actions will still be there.

I don’t agree. The full line is “Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you, it will! As it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.”

Specifically look at Yoda’s usage of the word “consume”. Your actions and your decision making will eventually be completely affected by the dark side. It isn’t just that your life is marred by the consequences of your actions, although it is that too, he’s saying that you can’t just dip your toes in the dark side. It’s something that’ll pull you further and further in.

After Return of the Jedi, there’s irony in referring to Darth Vader because he does return to the light. But Darth Vader is, at this point in the story, fully committed to evil. Yoda brings him up to emphasize that once you turn to the dark side, you inevitably become like Darth Vader.

I’ve ranted about this many times before, but Yoda and Obi Wan were not telling Luke to kill Vader.

Luke: “I can’t kill my own father.”

Obi-Wan: “Then the Emperor has already won.”

Your political opinion aside, which Politican was the most like Palpatine's <strong>facade</strong> as a Chancellor during the CW?

fmalover said:

YouTube user HelloGreedo made what is IMO the best critique of how Palpatine is portrayed. When he first appears in the OT he was inspired by the Roman and Chinese Emperors of old, but the prequels made him so goddamn evil, more akin to a mythological creature from the Underworld.

He’s talking specifically about Clive Revill’s performance in Episode 5. The prequels didn’t make Palpatine like that, Ian McDiarmid did.