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<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

I mean, in canon Boba Fett is now already simultaneously a disgusting thug who worked with fascists and murderous, slaving crime lords, and also a loyal man of honor. As far as I’m concerned, BoBF Season 1 and Mando Season 2 have done irreparable damage to Boba Fett by trying to make him into a more palatable protagonist. This is just what Boba Fett is now. They can make him more of a badass in Season 2 (if it actually happens), but it changes nothing.

General Unpopular Opinion Thread

Superweapon VII said:

Nostalgia is the bedrock of fascism.

Not really. Modern, Western neofascists exploit nostalgia a lot, but they’re not at all alone in that regard, and other modern fascists, as well as older fascists, did not. 20th century European fascism was extremely futurist, for example, nostalgia was anything but the bedrock of Mussolini’s Italy. The Nazis believed in a glorious past which needed to be reclaimed, but don’t think of it in the same way American neofascists view the 1950s as a glorious past which needs to be reclaimed. Their glorious past was thousands of years before written history and was more of an excuse to bring up when they got asked why, if Germans are the ubermensch, were ancient Germans barbarians living in mud huts while supposedly inferior peoples were building incredibly complex civilizations.

Did G. Lucas ever intend to portray the Jedi as a flawed institution in the prequels? Or was it added later in the EU?

Superweapon VII said:

SparkySywer said:

The problem with this, though, is that no human is capable of living a life without sin. George Lucas is a Buddhist Christian, and if heaven is where the righteous come to live with God in the afterlife, and sin is antithetical to God’s very being, heaven should be entirely unpopulated. An infinite being has infinite moral standards, and no human is perfect.

That’s where the mitigating factors of infinite love and infinite patience would come in, presumably.

In Christianity, that’s correct.

Vladius said:

You’re describing Christianity without Christ. The whole point is that Christ redeemed humanity’s imperfections and allows people to become more perfect than they were and reach heaven with his help. I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve here by trying to point out problems with Christianity.

I am describing Christianity without Christ. I’m not pointing out problems with Christianity, I’m talking about why the Jedi might behave they do. The Jedi don’t have infinite love or infinite patience, and Jesus isn’t from Star Wars.

Original Trilogy vs Kenobi: inconsistencies and stretches between | Plus in-series issues

Never thought I’d ever defend this shitty television program

Emre1601 said:

Nearly 20 years we thought, nearly two decades, a generation. Now instead only 8-9 years. Not such a long time, now.

Do you not think 9 years is a long time?

If Vader can stop a ship leaving a port and pull it to the floor in the Kenobi series, then he would also be able to repeat this in later Star Wars releases too? On the Tantive or Falcon, maybe?

The Falcon’s probably moving way too fast. As for the Tantive, who cares what Rogue One has to say lol

To me this dialogue renders Obi-Wan in ROTJ telling Luke his “from a certain point of view” story about Vader murdering his father being true as now being quite strange. These words comes from Vader’s own mouth, so it was NOT a deception, or anywhere near a big a stretch as previously, or “from a certain point of view” on Kenobi’s part, in Return Of The Jedi.

Who cares

Yet 8-9 later Vader will taunt Kenobi when they meet again on the Death Star: “Your powers are weak, old man”. This is at the start of the duel and well before Obi-Wan lets Vader strike him down. However, this time around Obi-Wan hasn’t cut himself off from the Force for the past 8-9 years. He has been communing with Qui-Gon and Yoda, continuing the training that Yoda had for him now that he can converse with Qui-Gon again. Probably along with other practicing of Force abilities during this time too. So why are Kenobi’s powers now so weak?

This is a Mauler-tier nitpick. Obi-Wan is about to, minutes from now, become more powerful than Vader could ever imagine. I’m really surprised you take issue with this, it’s not actually a plot point that Obi-Wan’s powers are actually weak, this is just villain dialogue. He’s a Sith and thinks everyone’s powers are weak except for other Sith.

"General Kenobi. Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars; now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father’s request to you in person; but my ship has fallen under attack and I’m afraid my mission to Alderaan has failed. I’ve placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you’re my only hope".

This dialogue does not at all seem weird for someone who knew someone else for a week almost a decade ago. If the line about Leia keeping it a secret that she met Obi-Wan is actually supposed to be an explanation for this, I have no idea why they felt that necessary.

Bail Organa: “He served me well during the Clone Wars and has lived in hiding since the Emperor’s purge. Yes, I will send for him.”

This has not changed

Why did Obi-Wan even disconnect from the force and bury the lightsabers if he’s supposed to be watching over and protecting Luke? With the aim of training him when the time comes (we even see him ask Uncle Owen about this in episode 1). How did he expect to be able to do that?

By digging them up? Like he does in the show?

However, how is Reva aware that Kenobi doesn’t know Anakin is alive?

Television shows shouldn’t have to hold your hand through every little detail. Who cares? It’s not like it’s difficult to believe or anything, all she has to know is the basics of how their fight ended on Mustafar.

Yet they don’t seem to have a picture, or description, of the Jedi they are actually looking for?

This is an observation, not a criticism.

Why does Vader stand there doing nothing after the Tala shoots and ignites a new fire to somehow stop Vader torturing Kenobi? Then Vader simply waits and watches for the slow moving loader droid to come rescue Kenobi and then slowly carry him off to safety?

Why do characters do anything ever? It’s a pretty massive fire. What did you want here, Vader to start expositing why he doesn’t kill himself walking to get Obi-Wan? Or why he doesn’t cast Force Pull™ on a dude he can’t even see?

What’s your point, anyway? Do you think Deborah Chow forgot something? Or was she just being careless? Like most of these “criticisms”, this is insanely nitpicky.

Why is Reva interrogating Leia like she’s a Rebel spy and has a deep knowledge about the Rebellion or Path, when she’s just a 10 year old? Does she seriously expect Leia to have this knowledge?


Bail proceeds to list every detail of their mission, including Owen’s in relation to “the boy.” This message could obviously be catastrophic if it were to end up in the wrong hands, which, of course, it does.

So, it’s internally consistent? What’s the issue?

It also makes Bail look incompetent and an idiot, something of which he is clearly not.

Bail Organa is a Jimmy Smits cameo, not a character. He doesn’t do anything in any live action Star Wars media he’s in. He is not clearly anything. I mean, his reckless connection to open rebels gets his planet blown up, so, maybe you’re being too quick saying he’s not an idiot.

Surely there would have been a number of opportunities to carry this out on Vader over the past 10 years?

Clearly not, or she would’ve done it 10 years ago. What would you have liked, for Reva to start expositing the entire past 3650 days and change so you could rest easy knowing she only had the opportunity now?

Welcome to Star Wars

Vader; in episode 3: “I am what you made me”

Vader; in episode 6: “You didn’t fail Anakin. I killed Anakin.”

These are literally not even contradictory

Obi-Wan to Reva: “Now you’re free. We both are.”

How? Reva may be free now she has realised the error of her ways, can now choose a different path. She can start afresh, maybe even try to make things right or make amends.

This is despite Reva’s story arc basically consisting of: Wanting revenge for her fellow Jedi younglings being killed. So she became an Inquisitor to hunt and kill Jedi, and other force sensitives, including children… all to gain the trust of Vader so she could get close to him and then kill him. And when she failed, she made her goal the killing another young child. She certainly does have a lot to make up for now she is free.

But Obi-Wan being free?: He is still in hiding, still wanted by the Empire. The very tyrannical fascist and oppressive Empire that still run the galaxy. Obi-Wan now also has the weight and conscience of sparing Vader’s life, despite him knowing the death and suffering Vader has already brought to so many, and also the death and suffering Vader will bring to many others in the future. How it that “being free”?

Western writers can literally not put any subtlety into their stories anymore. It’s really a shame.

They’re both spiritually and emotionally free. They’ve both been carrying baggage over Anakin, and by the end of the series they’re now capable of moving on. They’re on the “acceptance” part of the grieving process.

For me, some of “Obi Wan Kenobi”, episode 6 especially, had some moments more powerful, interesting and effective than many in the Prequels. Yet, like the Prequels, also featured various noticeable and needless issues too, which let the series down overall. But the series can still be enjoyed, and some may not care much or be bothered by such issues.

If these kinds of surface-level nitpicks are the problems you have with the PT too, you should try rewatching them with an open mind.

Far and away the best criticism of Obi-Wan in this thread.

Did G. Lucas ever intend to portray the Jedi as a flawed institution in the prequels? Or was it added later in the EU?

Servii said:

I get what George is trying to say about attachment, but it bugs me that he considers emotional connection to your own mother, or simply the act of falling in love with someone, as something problematic. Anakin falling for Padme is portrayed as a dangerous thing, like it’s a “sin,” but Anakin’s behavior towards Padme doesn’t become overtly possessive until RotS. It’s hard to gauge what Lucas considers to be crossing the line from “good” love to “bad/possessive” love.

act on instinct said:

I understand the resistance to the ideas about attachments but that’s really something to take up with Buddhism/Hinduism more than Lucas who is being a pretty loyal messenger to the eastern view on such things, rather than misinterpreting or inventing.

The idea behind attachments, I think, is a good idea poorly executed. The Force gives mere humans immense power, and humans are fallible and make rash decisions based on emotion, greed, and self-interest. Trying to eliminate any potential motivation to slip away from righteousness is probably a good idea. The distinction between “good” love and “possessive” love needed to be way more clear, but if the PT leaned further into this idea, the distinction becomes more clear. Anakin’s love for Padmé isn’t healthy because of what it motivates him to do. Simply, it clouds his judgment. He isn’t making rational decisions because he’s afraid to lose her.

If I were to do the PT, I’d lean way further into the no attachments rule than George did. I’d even keep the idea that the Jedi are separated from their parents. The emotional connection to your own mother isn’t evil in and of itself, but humans are animals and the emotional connection to your family, especially between parent and child, is extremely strong and on a preconscious level. It comes from the id, and the id can be very difficult to reason with.

Imagine a Jedi in a trolley problem where they have to pick between allowing their mother to die, or allowing three other people’s mothers to die. A clear mind would see that there’s nothing special about your own mother, and that the three other people would be just as devastated as you would be if your mother died. But the whole point the trolley problem was originally meant to bring up is that people generally don’t make rational moral decisions based off of which of their options causes the least amount of harm. The Jedi would at least have an extremely difficult time weighing their options. Better to nip the problem in the bud and not have to cross your fingers and hope they don’t kill 3 people out of selfishness.

The problem with this, though, is that no human is capable of living a life without sin. George Lucas is a Buddhist Christian, and if heaven is where the righteous come to live with God in the afterlife, and sin is antithetical to God’s very being, heaven should be entirely unpopulated. An infinite being has infinite moral standards, and no human is perfect. Drinking soda is a sin. Driving a car is a sin. And those are just baby examples, there’s so much worse stuff that everybody contributes to simply for existing, it’s just that maybe it isn’t tone appropriate to bring that up on a Star Wars forum. Even being associated with anything like this, though, makes you partially morally responsible for great harm.

There’s some Hindu story IIRC about a guy who lived a perfectly sinless life, except for one time where he accidentally stepped on a bug, which is what sends him to hell. These kinds of stories were the action movies of their day so he fights his way out of hell, but you get the point. Even though it was a bug, a bug is a holy creation no different from a person. Even though it was a mistake, his carelessness still caused a death.

Maybe this would be resolved in the ST by whatever comes next focusing less on the unattainable goal of teaching people how to totally avoid the dark side of the Force, and more about teaching people how not to let it cloud their judgment. You could then ease up on the high restriction the Jedi put on the Force, allowing for the democratization of the Force which is a popular idea for the ST.

The Novelization of the Force Awakens said:

First comes the day
Then comes the night.
After the darkness
Shines through the light.
The difference, they say,
Is only made right
By the resolving of gray
Through refined Jedi sight.

An Alternative Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: Some Ground Rules

Tantive3+1 said:

Superweapon VII said:

  • No lightsaber duels for Yoda
    This rule will annoy some fan geeks, but it’s important. The original SW films followed mythic storytelling patterns outlined by Joseph Campbell and so each character is an archetype. These archetypes have built-in rules that limit what a writer can do with such a character. If the writer breaks those rules then they aren’t writing an archetypal character. In general, there is nothing wrong with that, but that’s not SW. Yoda, like Obi-Wan, is a mentor to Luke, a “wise old man”. His age means the wise old man comes from a different time (and at 800 years old, Yoda exaggerates this as only science fiction can), but it is no accident that Yoda is also non-human. The wise old man is often a foreigner from another land, and making Yoda non-human exaggerates this yet again as only science fiction can. Finally, as a spiritual mentor, Yoda is a visual metaphor for the Force itself. He may be physically frail and diminutive in size, but that doesn’t matter. His strength lies in his spiritualness. He is brains over brawn, spiritual strength over physical strength. Consider how he trained Luke to be a thinking, feeling, and reflecting Jedi, not a soldier. Lucas’s prequels threw all that out of the window and turned Yoda into a back-flipping, twirling ninja.

I wouldn’t include Yoda as a present character to begin with.

That’s interesting, but it does leave the question of how he escaped the purge.

If he’s retired, the wise and esteemed Yoda might not want visitors and hide himself pretty well. I mean, he seems pretty well hidden in the OT.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Fullmetaled said:

I’m surprised that there isn’t a cgi fan edit team that would update the cgi of both the prequels and good cgi scenes from the original trilogy like bespin etc.

This doesn’t exist because it would be a massive undertaking to redo the special effects of a movie trilogy with a budget of $343 million and a project with a budget of $10 million. Anyone with the means to do something like this would not be wasting their time on a legally grey fan project they could never be paid for.

An Alternative Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: Some Ground Rules

Cool post. I think stuff like this where we pull back and think about what the OT implied for its own backstory is cool. I think some of the stuff on here could probably be questioned further, though. Like Vader knowing about Obi-Wan having Luke, it’s not hard to believe he found out the exact nature of the relationship between ANH and ESB, but during ANH could easily put two and two together when he saw some boy strong in the Force with Obi-Wan. Or Skywalker being a nickname, which is a good idea I think, but not necessarily a requirement for a prequel.