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Jar Jar Bricks

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Ed Slushie said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

natm said:

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s how it would be with just the TIEs shot.


I think this looks the most believable while adding a few more seconds to the movie, anything to somewhat slow down the fast pacing even by a few seconds is a W

It also makes it so that this isn’t the only Star Wars movie that teleports from space straight to the surface. There needs to at least be some visual continuity.

Actually, the Last Jedi does it too. That’s one of the reasons I wished they had left in the Alternate Opening, where Finn waking up in the dome is the first shot.

Ehhh. I was actually okay with it in TLJ. Reason being is that there are ships going directly down to the surface and the camera sort of follows them.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

natm said:

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s how it would be with just the TIEs shot.


I think this looks the most believable while adding a few more seconds to the movie, anything to somewhat slow down the fast pacing even by a few seconds is a W

It also makes it so that this isn’t the only Star Wars movie that teleports from space straight to the surface. There needs to at least be some visual continuity.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

jkimm said:

@jkimm, If you cut it that heavy you’ll miss the “never underestimate a droid” line. If you use a cut away to bb8 you can still keep that line of dialogue.

I was actually going to suggest removing Rey saying that line to BB8 on the skiff during the chase scene too. Seems highly unlikely that she would doubt a droids ability.

She’s not. It’s a reference to Leia who says the same thing to her earlier.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Please don’t remove the dyad exposition for the sake of it being exposition. It’s the only reveal that ties all three of these disjointed movies together, imo.
EDIT: It also creates several new problems for the movie. How the hell can you explain Vader’s mask and Rey’s lightsaber teleporting without the dyad? Crazy.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

axlanian said:

Hal 9000 said:

I agree, I’ll see about boosting the volume for a couple at the start. And I don’t want to distort all of them, but some could go further. Lando’s voice sounds super clear so I think the voices don’t need to be so modulated that it’s harder to hear them. But yeah I’ll keep tinkering with this.

Would you mind if I mixed this part for you? I do audio (not a video guy like most of you), so I could get the voices to sound more like the chatter Poe’s hearing in the beginning part of the scene. I wouldn’t have a problem getting them to sit on top of the music and spreading them out so they don’t sound like they’re sat right on top of each other.

Just as a show of what I can do, I’m currently working on giving the Knights of Ren voices, here’s my first attempt at recreating their vocal sound based off the grunts when Ben kills them. (Once we’ve pinned down the lines we want, we’ll need three other voices to join mine for this project if anyone’s interested!)

Password: fanedit

Wow! This really serves to enhance the little screen time these characters get.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

idir_hh said:

dgraham414 said:
Opening shot would be tie fighters going towards kylo’s ship just out in space (probably a reverse shot from TFA) with Kylo on the bridge staring into nothingness.

Liked the idea so I made a quick test. It works really well with Poppa’s tie fighter’s flying above the forest, would be nice though to have a shot of Vader’s castle with the 3 fighters flying by to tie it all together.

The shot of the transports landing I thought looked usable, too. Maybe try putting that in as well?
EDIT: I just had an idea. Could we put a shadow travelling across the land below the ties that is in the shape of Kylo Ren’s shuttle?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

A new hope has been kindled in the galaxy. To suffocate a growing uprising, the tyrannical First Order has silenced communication between neighboring systems.

As Rey, sole heir to the Jedi, continues her training, General Leia Organa has dispatched her brave agents across the stars to unite the disparate rebelling worlds in the name of Resistance.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has traveled to Mustafar, chasing whispers of a hidden power that would allow him to destroy any threat to his rule…

How about this for the first section:

A newfound hope spreads! To suppress a growing uprising throughout
the galaxy, the tyrannical First Order has silenced communication
between neighboring systems.

The middle section looks fine.

And how about this for the last section:

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has traveled to Mustafar in search
of his grandfather’s SITH WAYFINDER, certain that it will reveal the
secrets of his former master’s power. . . .

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Does anyone besides masked Kylo and Palptine refer to Rey as a scavenger? I wonder how feasible it may be to remove that, as she seemed to move past that in the eyes of all the characters.

Yes. When Finn says, “You were a spice runner?” to Poe he responds with something like “You were a stormtrooper? And you were a scavenger? We can do this all day.” I personally liked that joke, so I would prefer not to mess with it.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:



Pan down to establishing shot of TIEs flying over Mustafar

Cut to interior of Star Destroyer, as Vader’s helmet emerges and Kylo places his hand on it. Maybe Vader says something vaguely relevant or just the vision that was there originally. Kylo begins to walk off.

This makes even more sense considering that he’s about to pay a visit to his grandfather’s castle. Of course he’d commune with the mask.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

kewlfish said:

Okay so I’m pretty new at this After Effects thing but I edited a scene for Mustafar from Rogue One. The very beginning of the scene still has a portion from where I removed the ship, but I didn’t know how much to cut (some editors like to play around with footage or maybe it could be taken away with a wipe or something). It’s only a couple of seconds but maybe it could be useful.

password: Ascendant

This was really just a rough draft to see if I could do it, it seems kind of low quality so I might have to look into trying to find a way to clean it up a little before somebody actually uses it.

One thing I think we should do to any reused shots is mirror the image. It usually does a good job of making it look new.

Revenge of the Sith - Expanded Edition (v2 Now Released!)

Bobson Dugnutt said:

benduwan said:

looks really great.
but the escape is cut.the scene at the fueltank is missing.
i know the quality is…,but EXTENDED 😃

There’s a few shots and lines missing between them walking down the fuel tanks, and Anakin saying “No structue”. I’d love to use it in a workprint cut of the film however.

Here’s that missing stuff from the script for those interested

They run, EXPLOSIONS rattle the ship, and pipes continue to burst around them, spilling more fuel into the hallway. At the far end, SIX SUPER BATTLE DROIDS drop into the fuel. The SOUNDS OF SHIELD DOORS CLOSING AND LOCKING ECHO throughout the hallway. They pass several large power generators, which are topped with SPARKING excess power dischargers.
ANAKIN: They’re sealing this section off.
OBI-WAN: Six droids coming our way!
The last of the DOORS CAN BE HEARD CLOSING in the distance.
ANAKIN: Keep moving. There must be vents . . . This way.
They move along a wall. ANAKIN climbs up the side to a small vent. The fuel gets closer to the SPARKING dischargers.
OBI-WAN: We’ll never get through that. It’s too small!
They move toward a second vent. OBI-WAN is swimming in the fuel as it reaches to within a couple yards of the ceiling. ANAKIN feels along the ceiling and finds another smaller vent. He closes his eyes and tries to sense an opening, then he moves on. OBI-WAN is forced into hand-to-hand combat with one of the SUPER BATTLE DROIDS. It pulls the Jedi under the fuel. Just before he is about to drown, OBI-WAN disables the SUPER BATTLE DROID by pushing him into an exhaust pipe.
The fuel is up to the Jedi’s chins. ANAKIN finds a very, very small metal grate, then pounds on it until the tiny grate breaks loose.
ANAKIN: I found our escape vent.
OBI-WAN: Anakin, this is no time for jokes. We’re in serious trouble here.
ANAKIN: Only in your mind. My Master. Look, no structure. . . .
ANAKIN grabs the side of the tiny hole and gives it a big yank, ripping a large panel loose revealing a “man-sized” work shaft. They scramble through it as the DROIDS swim closer.

And also, here’s a (final?) cut of the Star Tours clip with some new SFX and score added to try and seemlessly cut 3 clips together


The second jump in quality is almost unnoticeable (probably since I’m on my phone). Although I can still see a jump in the first one. Honestly, I can probably look past that screen showing them in a hallway even though they’re in the hangar if it’s for the best.

Revenge of the Sith - Expanded Edition (v2 Now Released!)

Octorox said:

Bobson Dugnutt said:

benduwan said:

do you use for your edit “making of” and “behind the scenes” parts too?

Is there any specific shots or clips that would be workable?

Jar Jar Bricks said:

If I may, I would recommend your alternate Shaak-Ti clip with the extra space battle shot before the scene. This way, nothing needs to be cut, and it follows the original script better.

I don’t know if the clip works, the camera work isn’t quite like anything in the film, and is a bit short. I’d like it if it was a bit longer but currently its not going to work, sorry.

Here’s the probably the final cut of the Shaak Ti scene, I’m happy with it unless anyone else has some suggestions on what else to do with it

I’m actually surprised at how well that works, although the cut out of the footage feels a little abrupt with the camera movement.

The footage is supposed to be much longer but since it’s from Star Tours 2 they only released a small portion of it digitally. Perhaps it could be cut even shorter to prevent that abruptness? But then it doesn’t work as well to imply a passage of time.