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Revenge of the Sith - Expanded Edition (v2 Now Released!)

Xhorkis said:

Not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread before, but just a niggle regarding the Shaak Ti death. She does actually appear later on in the film during one of the Jedi Council scenes, though if I remember correctly it was in hologram form so it could be feasible to edit her out.

You might be thinking of Aayla Secura. I’ve personally never noticed her appearing anywhere else in the film.

Revenge of the Sith - Expanded Edition (v2 Now Released!)

Just want to point out that there is a small audio issue on the latest version of the edit. Right before Palpatine says, “I need your help, son” there is a musical cue that begins to play, at least in the older version I have. However, this is missing in the latest version, making the jump between the deleted scene and the higher quality scene much more noticeable.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

JakeRyan17 said:

97% sure deleted scenes will never be released. They have other things they could release that would make people even happier, yet they’re not doing it… so I just feel like it’ll never happen.

It’s just a shame that all of that work went into the Mustafar deleted sequence. The amount of puppetry involved in the Eye of Webish Bog…

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Lightspeed travel has been depicted as rapid travel, not teleportation. It’d be like me having a jet plane, traveling to various places on Earth. It still takes me longer to travel to Paris from LA than to New York City.
What I see in the lightspeed skipping sequence is randomly popping up all over the globe, which doesn’t make sense.

Yes, but you have to think of that jet plane as travelling at the speed of light. At those speeds, the difference between traveling to Paris or New York City are mere milliseconds at best.
My problem with the sequence isn’t the speeds, but rather the fact that the TIEs can follow the falcon through lightspeed.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

TestingOutTheTest said:

I know you won’t make any more major updates, but can you remove Rey translating what Chewie is saying to Luke? I’m talking about this line, “He said you’re coming with us.” It feels like, after three decades… Luke doesn’t understand Chewie?

I believe we already discussed this and the BB8 whackamole joke. I personally would like to see both removed but I’m pretty sure we decided against it for some reason.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

This was his last post:
"Hey all, I know I’ve been inactive e for a good minute but I wanted to provide an update. I am still working on the crackling saber, progress has been slowed a little, I’ve recently had a cancer diagnosis in someone very close to me, so I’ve been doing some casework. Things have taken a turn for the better recently. I’ve still been chugging along when I can with work in after effects and will post content when it looks good lol

But I am alive and still very much working om this project!"

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

DZ-330 said:

Hal 9000 said:

But then why does Palpatine seem to gloat as he describes Darth Plagueis not being able to save himself from being killed? Shouldn’t he just be Plagueis?

Maybe because Palps killed him in his sleep and the person being killed needs to consciously transfer their spirit to a new host?

Wow I never considered this. Makes a lot of sense. I believe he may have also been drunk?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Clavis said:

Wesyeed said:

Is it too late to make a quick suggestion? I did this with one of my fanedits and it enhanced things. I think it’d be cool to have Rey’s voice echo or reverb whatever the term is as she does the I am iron-girl bit. Might actually work and be similar to palp’s voice change in RotS as all the sith speak through him. Like “And I… am [all the jedi]” My best comparison is to how Galadrial sounds when she’s turned crazy by the ring in Lotr. Guess it’s better to show you what I’m talking about tho…


If it’s already been suggested before then oops, sorry, but wanted to try just in case.

Reminds me of Aang when he is in the Avatar state. Maybe Rey’s eyes should glow white/blue/green as she says it?

I think that might take it too far. Probably a little too cheesy. I do like the idea of a subtle echo/reverb though.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

DZ-330 said:


I will still fight for this transition. In my opinion it just flows into the credits SO much better. And I love the end theme starting with the Skywalker theme, then Rey, then the Star Wars theme. Plus how it hits that long note how the Falcon flies away. I think it would be a shame not to have that 🤷‍♂️

I agree that this is a better musical transition, although I’m also ok with the way Hal has it right now.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

ziggyonice said:

Random, but I’m watching the workprint now.

With the removal of the light speed skipping, Poe says, “How thick do you think that ice wall is?” and then boom, instant light speed and the scene ends. Can we get a shot of his hand on the accelerator or an interior shot of them jumping to light speed or something? It feels way, way too rushed without showing them making the jump.


The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

smpearce1981 said:

Unpopular opinion here:-

I’ve just watched Hal’s v3 workprint.

I really feel that the absence of the much hated ‘light speed skipping’ sequence slightly compromises the scene.

I know Hal’s reasons, I know a lot of people are wrapped up in the ‘tech/science’ of it…but I think it’s absence is jarring. The falcon/spy scene now just ends much too abruptly and lacks a crescendo…

Hal have you tried putting it back in? I’m not saying you have to like it…but have you tried it to get a feel in how it works from a pacing perspective?

Although Option B is good enough for me.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

snooker said:

Work in progress shot!

I’m having a lot of trouble with the chroma key on the Star Destroyer (because the free program I use doesn’t have chroma key.) Does anyone have any suggestions for this?

I could render out my background plate (with moving waterfalls and clouds) and have someone else comp in the destroyer?

I could be wrong about this but doesn’t the Star Destroyer need to be a model from the old Empire? Why would it be a First Order type of Star Destroyer?