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Charles Threepio

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Info: Analog Home Video Releases of Films That Feature Additional Footage That've Never Been Digitally Released

JayArgonaut said:

Tantive3+1 said:

Does anyone know which of The Godfather laserdisc versions contain exclusive additional footage?

I know the fan edit the Chronological Epic from modernknife used shots from a laserdisc release but I don’t know which one(s).

That, I cannot answer, but I do know that according to a Paramount insider, the 1980 home video releases of The Godfather and Part II contain footage - albeit brief, that is absent from all subsequent home video releases: due to the studio’s careless treatment of the negatives during the mid 80s whilst they were preparing a new transfer.

Source: http://godfathermuseum.blogspot.com/2015/03/screen-shots-and-technical-errata.html

The first transfers were done in 1980 for VHS, CED, and Laserdisc. The original negatives had been used to strike new prints as Parts 1 and 2 were re-issued several times throughout the 70’s and so by the time that they had already been run through the ringer. So even on those first home video releases the print looked like shit. They made a transfer from the negatives onto U-Matic tape.

Paramount was reissuing most of their catalog and Part I and II needed a new transfer… They couldn’t find the interpositive [a first-gen dupe of the original negative] so they glued the negative back together with chewing gum and scotch tape. Only a slight exaggeration. And they complete fucking ruined the negative in the process.

So that’s why you have more visual information in the first-gen releases, simply put the dissolve doesn’t completely mask the image like it does in the second gen transfer. I would guesstimate that for every scene with a dissolve, you’re missing about three feet of footage [about 2 seconds of runtime]. That footage is gone. For good. And the Restoration edition comes from those same botched negatives. They’re only preserved on those first gen home video releases.

I wonder if the new restoration was able to restore the original dissolves. I mean, according to the official press release:

The monumental effort included the following:

Over 300 cartons of film were scrutinized to find the best possible resolution for every frame of all three films.
Over 4,000 hours were spent repairing film stains, tears, and other anomalies in the negatives.
Over 1,000 hours were spent on rigorous color correction to ensure the high dynamic range tools were respectful of the original vision of Coppola and cinematographer Gordon Willis.
In addition to the 5.1 audio approved by Walter Murch in 2007, the original mono tracks on The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II have been restored.

Help: looking for... original version of Medium Cool

A.K.A. The Version Herb Cohen Doesn’t Want You To See

It’s a long story, but the short of it is, in 1985, one Herb Cohen sued Paramount Pictures for releasing Medium Cool on videocassette. Apparently, the license to use Wild Man Fischer’s song “Merry-Go-Round” only extended to the cinema and to television broadcasts, and the judge hearing the case, bonehead that he is, sided with Cohen, which is why all current releases of the film replace it with a whistled rendition of “Sweet Georgia Brown”, which totally ruins the scene where it played. As such, I was hoping someone with an original VHS or Beta copy could upload it to MEGA and send it to me via DM, so I could try and sync it with the Criterion Blu-ray for a future project.