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George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist...

crissrudd4554 said:

And technically Spielberg is STILL revising his films on home video. Maybe not to full on Lucas level but the idea that the versions of his movies available right now are fully true to the theatrical versions is false. There’s been recompositing, minor digital tweaks to correct matting and other things, changes in color timing, changes to audio. So if anything he’s not really proving himself to be any better than his buddy George when it comes to preserving his work as is. Yes the changes might be minor in comparison but they’re still changes.

Also the ET Special Edition is only available on DVD i saw that in cinema on 35mm it should be available in HD whether one likes the changes or not.

Speaking of Lucas did he always see Star Wars as a silent movie or was that just another way to defend the dialog in the prequel trilogy?

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Channel72 said:

When TFA came out in 2015, Daisy Ridley’s performance - and her chemistry with Finn - was actually one of the major aspects I liked about the movie. It was such a breath of fresh air to see actual acting and chemistry after 3 Prequel movies of non-stop wooden acting and lifeless characters.

But that turned out to be just a small silver-lining after the Sequel Trilogy devolved into a catastrophic incoherent mess. As for the upcoming movie, Daisy Ridley is a good actress, but it’s hard to be too excited about this new movie. I mean, even Adam Driver’s amazing performance couldn’t save the Sequels. It’s really all about the writing - and so far Disney has been sorely lacking in that department.

I liked the aspect of her being a scavenger but like Finn being a runaway Stormtrooper they did nothing with it. So disappointing, they were so desperate to hew to the OT they did nothing new. Rey being a nobody i really liked. Really what i hate more than anything is Rebels vs Empire again, and Jedi VS Sith. I’m not saying i wanted a midichlorian macrobiotic world but some difference would have been nice.

I give ILM credit for the effects and production design was top rate, and cinematography were great. Good looking movies, decent acting, good music, the screen stories are lacking.

Favorite OT Color Grade (Official Releases)

I only watched like 5 minutes of Star Wars i thought it looked rather good in HDR mode, but yes i can see the frozen grain and lack of sharpness. On disc not plus i don’t do streaming i believe in owning my media.

So yes that means i have the Disney trilogy Rogue One and Solo, and the prequel trilogy all in 4K. I just don’t have the Disney plus shows in 4K and i honestly have no intention of rebuying them in 4K.

I have watched the blu-ray discs. Once just like the 2011 set.

Are you glad Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney or do you wish he hadn’t?

Channel72 said:

fmalover said:

In that scenario I fear Lucasfilm would have turned into Filoni’s fanfiction playground. I’m glad we aren’t living in that world.

Wait what? I am actually living in that world. Can you help me build a transdimensional portal so I can come to your timeline, where Lucasfilm isn’t just Dave Filoni’s fan-fiction playground?

i’m actually laughing out loud because yes since Clone Wars we have been living in Dave’s world with Star Wars.

I don’t think George had an intention of making sequels reading the artbooks it was Kathy Kennedy who decided on a sequel trilogy when she was VP. And by all accounts the original characters were going to be cameos at best, and not even characters at worst. Since Disney wanted their own stamp on Star Wars. George showing Rick Carter and the art department his treatment is very bizarre since he had sold the company.

Last movie seen

American Graffiti THX laserdisc from 1996. Really crummy transfer with good audio. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ported over a VHS because its so soft and blurry its junk.

The bootleg 35mm telecine of the 1973 version blows this official release away. Though the original DVD looks the best of all the releases, even with DNR. The worst is either Laserdisc that isn’t the Signature Collection or the 4K.

Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)

litemakr said:
There are several different mixes for Raiders:

1981 Early/Alternate mix (see below for details)*
1981 Theatrical Dolby Stereo 4 track mix on 35mm prints (also used for monophonic showings)
1981 Theatrical Dolby 6 track mix (used on 70mm film prints)
1983 Stereo mix (used for VHS, Beta, laserdisc and TV releases). Created specifically for the video release and does not have the encoded Dolby surround or center tracks from the theatrical mix.
1992 Laserdisc mix - new stereo mix with encoded Dolby surround and center channels.
2003 DVD 5.1 mix - derived from the 1981 6 track mix.
2012 Blu-ray mix - new mix with a loud LFE channel, different dialogue/effects/music balance and some sound effects pushed into the LFE channel.
2021 UHD mix - derived from the blu-ray mix with added Dolby Atmos effects and reduced LFE channel level.

The original 1981 Dolby Stereo mix has never been released on any home video format.

*To add complexity, an early mix with different dubbed voices, sound effects and music editing was used on some 8mm and 16mm prints and at least one HDTV showing. This mix was also used in 1981 as the basis for almost all international dubs. A new final mix was done very close to release but only used on English language releases because there wasn’t time to redo the foreign language mixes.

Strange that the 1989 evergreen Japanese Laserdisc claims to be Surround right on the Jacket then if as you say no home release of theatrical. Its also digital LPCM. Per my ears and i’m no expert it sounds derived from an analog optical mix its not as clean as the Letterbox from the 1990s.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Mocata said:
I feel like ROTJ and the Last Crusade have a similar special effects problem where they had to create a lot more sequences but without more time to perfect them, so there are bad blue screens, matte paintings etc.

Well ILM was very busy in 1989 so busy they couldn’t do Star Trek V even though they wanted to. Busy with Indiana Jones 3, Ghostbusters 2, The Abyss, Back to the Future II.

The only problem i see on JEDI is Howard Kazanjian wanting to remain on budget per George Lucas and a time crunch. And them wanting to strike sets because they didn’t have enough space to build them all and keep them all up. There is also a more documentary approach to it, not trying multiple takes to get a shot perfect, a quick and dirty if you will mentality. I believe Marquand even said Empire was too sexy and stately and Shakepearean. And he was more in line with how George made Star Wars the original, get a shot down move on, fix it in post/editing or reshoots.

I think even the camera they bought and cinematography is second rate to the first two which were shot on Panavision. They had to rent them George wanted to buy a camera to keep costs down, they bought an Arriflex.

Some fans think the Had Addadon scenes and the Wookiee planet staying in would save it, and I too used to like that idea but Return of the Jedi’s problems are all in the screenplay story Lucas wrote, and all the ways he wanted to quickly tie everything up and close the book on Star Wars. Because he really had no intention at the time to make anymore Star Wars films, his marriage had broken up, he quit directing. He really consigned himself to being chairman of the board of Lucasfilm, sort of like Walt Disney corporate type rather than an artist.

I don’t generally agree with Larry Kasdan or Gary Kurtz on killing Han, or even on the idea of Gary’s about Leia becoming Queen of her people. Or his dislike for Raiders of the Lost Ark. But some of what he said had merit why revisit another Death Star, but i do agree on principle that ROTJ has no stakes and is listless. I feel like what was set up in Empire Vader tempting Luke to join him to overthrow the Emperor was a plot line poorly used in JEDI, or was it dropped completely? Honestly that and Leia being the sister, the love triangle being dropped kind of piss me off.

Your DVD Collection

Willow THX Laserdisc taking a shot on this one it may arrive broken in the mail or unplayable due to laser rot. the common price on this now of 25 dollars is also too high but i paid it anyway.

I’m also trying to get American Graffiti THX laserdisc but only if the seller comes down on the price, 30 is too much. Its a very common title, i’d pay that for the signature collection but this isn’t that one with the cgi sunset its the 78 theatrical.

Edit: i just said the hell with it and i was determined to watch the movie so i paid 30 dollars for American Graffiti, very high even for a sealed copy.

So other than the signature collection, the Japanese THX releases of Graffiti, i have every Lucasfilm THX title. Except for the THX Wow disc.

Your DVD Collection

Got release day delivery on OBI-WAN on Blu-Ray. Andor was out of stock so i got it from Deep Discount. Waiting on that. I already have Mando season 1 and 2 and haven’t even watched more than the first episode off the Blu-Ray or second episode? Once i have a 4k tv set and player in a week or two i don’t know if its worth rebuying these. I have select things in 4K i bought at a discount with combo packs. Disney are cheapskates for their not being a 4K/BLU combo. And the overall price for the number of episodes is crazy. Cost me like 111 bucks just for Andor and OBI-WAN, take off the tax and shipping and its close to 90 its absurd. And Mando cost me about the same so 200 bucks for 4 shows/seasons.

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

The problem i have with Oz though is that Dorothy was bonked on the head and it was a dream, without Oz being a real place, a secondary universe the myth is shattered. Film is almost perfect for me but for the ending.

In Baum just like Middle Earth it exists as a real world, or like Wonderland does in the Alice books.

First new, verified change between AOTC 35mm theatrical and AOTC home versions!

I’d love a theatrical version, too bad there never was a laserdisc for this like Phantom Menace.

As for film cels there are a lot of fake ones on Ebay.

I love that one guy who keeps finding the same fake 35mm ones for the sequel trilogy and all the poor sods who keep buying them. Just being a little humorous, i also was almost fooled by that guy.

Last movie seen

I thought Bruce Botnick’s remaster of the score was phenomenal and all the crisp detail i heard for the first time in the Atmos mix. At first the dnr bothered me but i very much enjoyed the new cut of TMP. I really wish they’d have let Shatner finish V, the effects in that one are bad. II-VI could of had the theatrical audio and a new Atmos mix, but no they just used the 2009 blu mixes.