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Definitive VIDEO Guide to Star Wars Changes (WIP; FEEDBACK WANTED)

Watched the Pre-SE changes, which is not my speciality, of course.

I’d never noticed the 1981 starfield is the ESB one (since I don’t compare the movies to each other often)! I’ve marked it in my V1 album so I can be sure to speak more on it in ANH V2.5 (which would cover pre-19 changes/unchanges).

Somehow it’d be great if you could explain that adding the EPISODE IV title ruins the flow of the crawl. The movements of the opening theme were scored by Williams to match the appearance of the paragraphs in the original release, but now it’s just garbled. Of course, none of the other movies sync the paragraphs to the music, so it’s kind of setting a precedence.

Other than that, I think it’s great and I learned a lot!

Oh, I love using the “One Last Time” as a transition, you should make a point in the 97SE video that they’re ONLY talking about ANH, which was the original plan. The 97SE of the sequels were done at almost the last minute by a self-admitted “C Team” with much less resources and budget than ANH.

All Things Star Trek

JadedSkywalker said:

I bought the 4K set of 1-4 sight unseen and it should be here on release day. So hopefully it is just the movies given a new scan, i don’t want any Lucas/Cameron level tinkering. Its bad enough already the stereo mixes of the films are being left off but a isolated score track will be on there.

If you look at my galleries in the post above, you’ll see exactly what you’re going to be getting. And only TMP gets an isolated score.

All Things Star Trek

SilverWook said:

The cost of scanning wouldn’t be prohibitive, and they could be digitally composited now and printed back out to film, but this is Paramount we’re talking about.

As long as they did this for The Director’s Edition. No one should recomposite the theatrical cut, that’s a slippery slope we’re already going down, thanks to someone at Paramount just doing their own thing from what it looks like.

Here are my VisComp Galleries:

The Motion Picture: Theatrical
The Search for Spock / The Voyage Home

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition 4K Restoration Announced

JadedSkywalker said:

There is one complaint i have however once again the theatrical stereo mixes are being left off, i’m also sure others will complain that the audio is dolbytrue 7.1 instead of Atmos. Which is weird since the directors cut of TMP will be in Atmos.

Well, TMPDE has a steward guiding the rebuild, the others are just studio output.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition 4K Restoration Announced

JadedSkywalker said:

I’m cautiously optimistic about the restoration of the Theatrical Cut of Star Trek I, III and IV that are going to be released in September. In the 1-4 4K set, or Blu-Ray sets.

No Star Trek VI though which really needed to be restored.

The theory is we’ll get that 1-4 set (Enterprise Refit), then a 5-7 set (Enterprises A-D), then a 8-10 set (Enterprise E), split them up into more affordable chunks instead of a 20 disc $300 ultra set.

And now I have the idea for my custom cases for each set…

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition 4K Restoration Announced


Paramount and Paramount+ are excited to announce that a full restoration of the Director’s Edition of Star Trek: The Motion Picture has been greenlit.

The restoration will be undertaken by producer David C. Fein, restoration supervisor Mike Matessino, and visual effects supervisor Daren R. Dochterman, all of whom worked previously with director Robert Wise.

The film will be prepared for presentation in 4K Ultra HD with Dolby Vision™ high dynamic range (HDR) and a new Dolby Atmos® soundtrack. The restoration is expected to take 6-8 months and will launch with an exclusive window on Paramount+.

Gang, you have to trust me, this is one to keep your eye on. To help you focus your eye, I started another VisComp: https://twitter.com/startrekviscomp

Original Unaltered Trilogy Petition is happening on change.org!

Yeah, I don’t think petitions will help, especially since there’s so many out there. Mostly what we need is POSTIVITY. People running around being negative about it is going to kill everyone’s buzz. We need people to be EXCITED about the possibilities.

I think it’s people speaking up on social media that moves the needle nowadays. Unless someone proves otherwise, I’m going to continue shouting over there.


Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes

none said:

The Leia being freed by R2 screen shot from 4k83 (showprint A scan) has damage but the new scan of Jedi Showprint B does not have the same damage. Probably print specific degredation / vinegar syndrome.
Don’t think it is a reason for the 2004 removal decision.

The damaged frame pictured is from the 97SE Laserdisc, not 4K83. Of my sources, this frame is in 4K83 (clean), GOUT (clean), and 97SE (with damage), and is not present in 04SE/11SE/19SE. Additionally, in an image I’m saving for V2.1*, there is actually a repeated frame in the next shot of R2 in 04SE and 11SE, I assume to make up for removing the damaged frame of Leia. 19SE doesn’t bother to repeat a frame to keep the sync, it just removes the damage and goes on. I don’t know how this works with the audio sync, I’m not an audio guy (hence Visual Comparisons). I assume they didn’t repeat the R2 frame because they HAD notes from the HD Branch changes to redo, but not very accurate ones (which explains how they got SOME of the ships that disappear for a frame during ANH that were fixed for HD, but not all).

To be clear, the ONLY damaged version of this frame is in the 1997 Laserdisc. I’m very interested to see if 4K97_VI has it, it’s part of the reason why I’m donating directly to that scan.

It’s confusing, I spent a lot of time figuring out what happened in these two shots to get my frame-accurate sync. So much so that my wife came to check on me and saw the frame I was staring at and asked, concerned “Is that a butt on your screen?” “It’s Carrie Fisher, it’s fine”.

*V2.1 will be everything from V2.0 plus all of the changes made to earlier SE’s that were redone or undone, such the repeated R2 frame only in HD Branch and the gold LFL logo.