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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy said:

So, you guys remember this?

Well, hold on to your hats, because I finally got my hands on a scan of reel 3 from an LPP print and here’s a comparison with the Blu-Ray:


The difference is shocking!

By the way, this problem is present pretty much exactly throughout the second half of reel three and definitely ends precisely with the last shot of reel 3 and since the negative is actually split into smaller ten-minute reels, it definitely points to them just mucking up the scanning of what would be reel 6 of the negative and instead of re-scanning with proper focus, they just threw a sharpening filter at it.

This is absolutley shocking indeed. The reel scan looks like a promo shot. Awesome!!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

^ This!

I also think that some scenes of the 35 mm material needs to be stabilized. Some scenes are very "edgy/twitchy " to watch. But beside that the new 35 mm material looks awesome and they are a big advantage over the previous version. I skipped through it and will have a exact watch at the weekend. Thank you Harmy!!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

CatBus said:

Yeah MKV. Sure it’ll be a huge improvement over 1.0, but it’s still a workprint. No need to build a big ecosystem around it.

(Sadly) yes. I mean, it is absolutely awesome that Harmy is providing a Workprint as preview, but in the times of large disk spaces and cloud services I would prefer a 20 GB and up encode like SW and ESB are, i am a quality fetishist… I want to burn it to a BD-R, I want to watch it on my TV to enjoy it and find bugs if there are any. In my usual environment instead of sitting in front of my computer. 😃 Hopefully the 8GB file fits on a DVD-R. First world problems, lol.

Anyway, looking forward to the Workprint! 😃

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy, is it not a better option to leave ROTJ workprint the same as 1.0 in view of the structure? So it would be easier to mux another audio tracks/languages to it. I also would prefer a large mkv file like ANH and TESB. I know the workprint will not be the final release, but it would easier to handle it, also in case of spotting errors. If the resolution or the encode is higher bitrated, it is easier to recognize.

Anyway, thank you again Harmy for all the efforts you put in!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Hi guys,

i have downloaded Harmy´s full "suite" of the Star Wars edits and i am highly impressed. It brings so much nice memories of my childhood, thank you very much for this awesome and hard work and the way, how highly detailed you are working to bring this to life!

Is there a reason, why ROTJ is not available in high quality MKV? The AVCHD has a good picture - but in comparsion to ANH and ESB mkv´s it is not as good. Could someone explain me?

Kindly regards