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I want my kids to see the unaltered Original Trilogy in a real theater

You can't get Mike Verta's version--this is a point of contention for many.  He's restoring the movie but not distributing it, for legal reasons.

I love the work DarkJedi's done (GOUTv3, Project Blu), and it's the most faithful thing you can actually get, but it doesn't scale nicely to the size of screen you're talking about.  Your best bet is Harmy's projects (Despecialized Editions), which aren't quite as faithful but scale to large sizes much better.

None are as good as a real 35mm version.

I want my kids to see the unaltered Original Trilogy in a real theater

I'm not sure I have all the facts 100% correct, but here goes.  70mm and 35mm have the same aspect ratio.  For SW and ROTJ, I believe the 70mm print is visually just a blow-up of the 35mm print.  The 70mm version of ESB has some slight visual differences from the 35mm/home video version.  All of the 70mm prints have surround sound mixes which the 35mm didn't.

All screenings would pretty much have to be private non-commercial deals.  If you live in Southern California, Mike Verta plans to do private screenings of his personal restoration project.  I'm considering letting my local hippie independent theatre know about Harmy's reconstructions (I know they do private screenings and have a AVCHD-capable Blu Ray player, so it's no stretch).  But seriously, just get into backyard projection.  It's fun, cheaper than you'd think, and you get to know your neighbors.  Be your own private screening theatre. 


Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

OK, so I accepted the challenge and put my sources together and came up with this:

1. A frame of the 35mm scan I got.


3. v1.0

4. v2.0 (unless I get my hands on a better source)

I actually prefer your 2.0 version, but I really think it could be improved in the starfield and in the black crush (most obvious in the shadows on the right half of the frame).  Maybe ease up on the black a touch, and copy in the GOUT starfield with boosted contrast to match the blacks?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

@ CatBus: Yes, but its a whole original mattepainting, not just the soldiers and I bet that the soldiers are so obvious in the GOUT because of the screwed up black levels - I think they didn't paint much detail on the soldiers because they were meant to be mostly lost in the shadow.

EDIT: TServo beat me to it.

I get that, but I think the shadow in your 2.0 demo is way too dark.  Dim is okay, black looks weird.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

And here's a little sample - right is with, left is without:


For what it's worth, that looks a lot better than I thought it would, and it wouldn't be a dealbreaker for me.  But I still prefer the no-grain version.

I would still want this sort of effect applied to the credits and other "rendered" grain-free content, though, to help it blend.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Actually, having thought about it a bit more, artificial grain seems like a perfectly acceptable way to attempt to restore the feel of a film, if you feel it's been damaged by excessive DNR.

The problem, in my opinion, is that DNR really isn't something I'd say is a big problem with these films.  Excessive sharpening, sure, crushed blacks, definitely, but DNR?  I don't really think so.

As for adding hairs and scratches, I'm just plain against that.  People who want hairs on their film can empty their vaccum cleaner bags on their projectors, and those who don't don't have to.  It seems like a bad thing to have in the source image.