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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Blown away with how much better the new Emperor hood looks. I almost would suspect you of using some Sith magic Ady. =P The only thing I think would enhance this hologram further would be to have his eyes glow a little more to add to the creepiness.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
adywan said:
Tobar said:
adywan said:

with all the talk of the skies when Luke approaches Bespin i thought it would be best if i posted a screenshot of my version. Again this shot has full video motion clouds so you can't really get a sense of what the finished shot will be like until you see it in motion, plus the x-wing is missing

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Love this, so beautiful! Hey Ady do you ever look at the scripts to see if there are any visual descriptions that were never fully implemented into the final movie that you could bring to life? I bring this up because I was looking for quotes about Cloud City and found this in the script:


It is down on the gaseous planet. Huge billowing clouds
form a canyon as the ship banks around them, heading toward
the system's Cloud City.
Suddenly, two twin-pod cloud cars appear and move toward
the Falcon. The cloud cars draw up alongside the starship.

 After I read that I remembered that shot above and thought how perfectly that fit the description for the earlier scene.

i haven't got the Star Wars scripts unfortunately but i would be interesting to read the descriptions for the scenes.

Here's a good site for most of them.

JasonN's PT FanEdits (Attack of the Federation, Twilight of the Republic, &amp; The Black Knight Rises) (Released) ** Revised V3 Cuts In The Works

Just watched Twilight of the Republic the other night. I loved it! There's just one minor thing that I'm hoping you can fix for the dvd release and this is something that's been an error in the movie from the beginning. In the opening scroll it says thousands of solar systems have left the Republic. In actuality we only call our own system the solar system, all others are called star systems. Just like in ANH when Leia said, "The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."

Info: 2006 GOUT DVD using 'Faces' PCM Sound?

I feel you Chainsaw, when I first looked at that script I was flabbergasted. But it's actually very, very easy to do! I don't know a thing about scripting either but I decided I should try and give it a go and the results were amazing! I just followed Oldschooljedi's tutorial.

Now that I have the video side of things done I'd love to be able to combine it with the Faces audio. Has anyone written up a tutorial on that?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
adywan said:

with all the talk of the skies when Luke approaches Bespin i thought it would be best if i posted a screenshot of my version. Again this shot has full video motion clouds so you can't really get a sense of what the finished shot will be like until you see it in motion, plus the x-wing is missing

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Love this, so beautiful! Hey Ady do you ever look at the scripts to see if there are any visual descriptions that were never fully implemented into the final movie that you could bring to life? I bring this up because I was looking for quotes about Cloud City and found this in the script:


It is down on the gaseous planet. Huge billowing clouds
form a canyon as the ship banks around them, heading toward
the system's Cloud City.
Suddenly, two twin-pod cloud cars appear and move toward
the Falcon. The cloud cars draw up alongside the starship.

 After I read that I remembered that shot above and thought how perfectly that fit the description for the earlier scene.

Star Wars Prequels/Original Trilogy: The Complete Scores (Released)

This is interesting, just stumbled upon it in an interview about the audio for the new Indiana Jones game:

The soundtrack is composed of about 40 minutes of brand new tracks created by Gordy Haab and Ray Harman. The rest of it (hours of it) is made up of never-before-heard music from the days of Raiders and Temple of Doom. We wanted to keep the feel of the old movies, but we didn't want to beat you over the head with the old music. It strikes a great balance.


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Ripplin said:
adywan said:

Now i had spent 5 days working on  the new moving  matte shot of Luke's approach and had just finished it and i loved it until i saw this suggestion.  i've now gone back and had to change most of the elements and start from scratch because i like this idea ...but the finished shot is 1000% better than it originally was.

Wow, how 'bout that? :) Any chance we could see the original shot somehow? If not now, then maybe as a DVD extra? Or in a making-of documentary-type situation? :)


That would be cool to see!

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
adywan said:

oh yeh. i've also added the "jedi ghost" glow to the scene where Obi-Wan appears to Luke on Hoth.



Hmm, I dunno. I always thought that his first appearance was more like a vision than an actual manifestation. It leaves the viewer wondering if Luke was hallucinating or not.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
ChainsawAsh said:
AxiaEuxine said:
Kurtyboy said:

My only complaint is that the Vader helmet is the horrible symetrical ROTS version. The ESB Vader helmet is FAR superior :)

Let me guess this straight, you'd rather have a lopsided helmet with mistakes in it becuase they couldn't make a symetrical one in the beforetime than one that was constructed with superior techniques and doesnt look like it was made in a garage??

Just because the new one was made with "superior techniques" doesn't mean it's better.  I happen to think it looks like shit, and agree that the ESB helmet was the best in all 4 films that feature Vader.  SW's looks a little strange to me somehow (it feels a little small in some scenes), and ROTJ's was *too* shiny and reflective.  But ESB had a perfect balance of all of those.

ROTS's looks, as someone else mentioned, like it was made by a fan for a Halloween costume.

Yeah, can't stand the ROTS helmet. I actually like the SW Vader the best, I dunno why maybe it's the red lenses. =P Did you know David Prowse wanted to reprise the role for ROTS but ol' Lucas decided to let Hayden don the suit.


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
mrbenja0618 said:
Tobar said:

Yeah I'm in the Aurebesh camp.


I vote no english. The one change I loved about A New Hope SE was that they changed the english wording on the tractor beam to the aurebesh titles.


Oh I wasn't saying anything about its use in the movie. I was just saying that I'm with those that call it Aurebesh. I like the fact that we never knew exactly what Artoo was saying. Left it up to the imagination, I look forward to seeing what Ady has cooked up though. =P

JasonN's PT FanEdits (Attack of the Federation, Twilight of the Republic, &amp; The Black Knight Rises) (Released) ** Revised V3 Cuts In The Works

Wow, stumbled onto these edits tonight. Only had a chance to see Attack of the Federation. I really like what you've done here. It makes Episode I pretty enjoyable. Just a couple things I thought were weird though, the scroll is blue now? Felt very strange to me. Also, you changed Watto's subtitles to make him more mean toward Anakin but in doing that you created a continuity error when you have him going back to work but then in the next scene he's fighting another kid he was playing with. Keeping Watto letting Anakin go home early would fix that. The other thing is the Podrace felt kind of strange with no music. I know that in the original movie Ben Burtt got George to leave most of the race without music but this new cut feels like it should have music going on through most of it. There must be some unused Williams score that could be readded to the film.

Overall though I really enjoyed this cut of the film. Especially liked Jar Jar's line change ("A little help here would be nice.") That sounded seamless! Where'd you get that soundbyte? Anyway, I look forward to watching Twilight of the Republic tomorrow. =)

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Ripplin said:
Tobar said:

The other day I caught an episode of the show 100 Places to See Before You Die and it was an episode about Alaska. At one point they flew a helicopter to the top of a giant glacier and while they were up there it was nothing but snow and mountains. The thing was though that the mountains looked like they were a short walking distance away but in fact were miles and miles away. The illusion was caused by the clear air and snow.

[indirectly] Reminds me of one time I was driving down a road this winter where there were open fields and the snow was blowing so hard...and it felt like I wasn't even moving. It's was kinda scary, actually.

Anyway, those are some great Wampa pics you linked to. :)


Thanks, poking around that modeller forum I just found this:
Great shot of the Hoth trenches!


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

You've probably already seen these Ady but I was just poking around when I found this:

Close up shot of Wampa

I was surprised so I decided to look around some more and stumbled upon these:

Side shot of first Wampa

Sideshot of SE Wampa

Front of original Wampa

Front of SE Wampa

Good shot of the placement of the ears

Another Front Shot

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Monroville said:
Maybe if the mountains were more grey or a faded blue due to atmospheric haze - something to distinguish them from the ground below the AT-ATs so it doesn't look like they're right behind them.


The other day I caught an episode of the show 100 Places to See Before You Die and it was an episode about Alaska. At one point they flew a helicopter to the top of a giant glacier and while they were up there it was nothing but snow and mountains. The thing was though that the mountains looked like they were a short walking distance away but in fact were miles and miles away. The illusion was caused by the clear air and snow.