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Gandalf the Cyan

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Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Spartacus01 said:

  1. At the end of The Rise of Skywalker, both Rey and a redeemed Ben Solo survive. We have a small time jump of some years, and the last thing we see is the two of them standing before a class of students in the New Jedi Temple on Naboo, telling them about the adventures of Luke and Anakin Skywalker, and teaching them the importance of redemption.

This one (or something similar) actually is probably doable (sans Kylo) with current technology using footage from the Rey movie, if there’s a scene featuring something of the sort. Though what Rey is saying might have be a bit different, even with AI lines.

Random Musings about the Empire Strikes Back Draft Script

According to the “Icons Unearthed” documentary, Lucas came up with the “Vader is Luke’s father” idea before Brackett’s draft was written, which is interesting. I assume that for whatever reason, he didn’t tell her—maybe the idea hadn’t been 100% finalized by that point? Though I haven’t actually seen the documentary (I’m just going off what I’ve heard from others), so although it’s clear that he had come up with the twist before Brackett’s script, I don’t know how finalized the idea was. I suppose it’s also possible that Brackett knew about the twist but ignored it, but it doesn’t seem likely that she’d ignore such a major plot point.

Also interesting is that the Kaminoans were basically recycled from this draft, which has similar aliens on Bespin. They’re described as having a similar appearance, they ride flying whale creatures, and IIRC their use of saber-darts (including the term itself) was an idea taken from this draft. It’s entirely possible that the Kaminoan city was inspired by Cloud City too, what with its similar appearance. It’s unclear whether all of this was Lucas’s concept, or if it was Brackett’s concept that he borrowed. However, if Lucas couldn’t be bothered to tell Brackett about the Vader father twist, it seems unlikely that this was one of Lucas’s ideas—unless this was a concept that Lucas (or McQuarrie) had come up with much earlier. So even if Lucas considered Brackett’s script flawed, assuming the Bespin aliens were her idea, he still was willing to borrow some concepts from it.

Anakin should have become Darth Vader before the last 10 minutes of Episode III

I disagree with the “Vader should have turned earlier” idea. It just doesn’t “rhyme” well with the OT. In the OT, we had a definite set of core characters, and IMO the same should be the case with the PT. It would seem clumsy if the protagonist of the first 2/3rds of the trilogy became the antagonist in the last part. I suppose you could fix that by having Obi-wan be the main protagonist, but I’d rather have the prequels be Anakin’s story first and foremost.

In my ideal prequels, Ep1 would’ve had Anakin as a heroic protagonist. Ep2 would plant the seeds of darkness in him, becoming an antihero, and by Ep3 would be about him turning to the dark side, with the definitive turn at the climax. He may only become evil at the very end of the trilogy, but it’s a much more gradual progression that doesn’t feel forced.

One idea I like is that in Ep3, Anakin and Obi-wan should be rivals, who are either part of different factions fighting for the same general cause, or they’re on different sides but still respect each other until Anakin fully becomes Vader.

'The Mandalorian &amp; Grogu' (Upcoming Movie) - General Discussion Thread

daveybjones999 said:

People say that, but according to the Nielson charts when season 3 was airing it was consistently the 3rd and 4th most-watched streaming show in the U.S. and it did better than both Book of Boba Fett, and Obi Wan in terms of minutes viewed. Season 3 was consistently around 800 to 1100 million minutes viewed while Bobba Fett was only around 500 million minutes (although it did make it to 800 million minutesa few times) and Obi Wan around 400-600 million minutes. It also did a lot better than Ahsoka which again was between 400-800million minutes. Sure critically Season 3 was considerably less well received, especially by fans, than previous seasons, but in terms of the amount of views it still mostly held up. I mean it did have less people watching than season 2, which was consistently around 1200-1300 million minutes , and I think its lowest week was around 800 million minutes, but again Season 3 did make it to 1100 million minutes viewed once or twice as well

True, but I don’t think season 4 will get as many views due to the poor reception of season 3. That season came after one that did get a positive reception. I suspect that the movie will be a flop a la Solo. Ordinary people are just no longer that interested in a franchise they’ve seen lots of before.

On another note, I wonder what general audiences will think of this film? I also strongly suspect that it’s going to be like Ahsoka, where people who haven’t seen the characters’ previous appearances will be confused about all the backstory and what’s going on. It’ll may be especially egregious here considering that the movie is rumored to be an actual season finale, rather than a sequel of sorts like Ahsoka.

How to Watch Star Wars, Part Two: The Special Editions Are the Movies, Get Over It

I haven’t seen this video but I definitely have no intentions to. It looks like a bad-faith diatribe. Just looking at the comments section, many of the people seem genuinely angry, and with some bad demonization/strawmanning of OT fans.

The weird thing about Worley (and his supporters) is that they’re STILL angry about all this. Like, it’s been almost 27 years since the Special Editions came out. By this point, the majority of the fandom is mostly indifferent to the SE issue and there are now few people who have genuine vitriol for Lucas.

What is the copyright status of the post 1997 special editions?

Are you the same guy who created (or posted in) this thread?:

EDIT: Wait, you’re talking about the post-'97 versions, not the '97 ones. I assume the same thing would apply to those, where it would be publication (i.e., alteration) + 95 years. Assuming that what other people have said is accurate; I’m a bit skeptical if the +95 policy would still apply even after life+70 was enacted, but then again, I’m no expert. But if +95 applies to the '97 versions, it would necessarily apply to the other versions as well if the credits haven’t been changed.

Not sure about dubs, unfortunately. I’m guessing that they’d have the same copyright status as the original version provided that the end credits haven’t been changed. Though again, I’m not an expert on this matter.

<strong>Pre-PT era lore</strong> | an OT &amp; EU scrapbook resource | additional info &amp; sources welcome

Very nice!

There’s also this article— http://deckplans.00sf.com/Research/Prequel.html
Obnoxious nitpicking aside, it’s a very good resource that’s especially notable for covering obscure quotes from the pre-PT EU that are contradicted by the prequels.

EDIT: Thanks to someone else in an old thread on this site (I forget who, unfortunately) for making me aware of this resource.

<strong>The New Republic era</strong> | from post-ROTJ to the Sequel Trilogy | a general discussion

I suspect that much the RotNR storyline has been incorporated into Mando S3/Ahsoka/upcoming Filoniverse content, rather than being dropped outright. Given the interconnected nature of the Filoniverse RotNR’s story would probably directly affect the other shows (e.g. Thrawn’s return), necessitating it being retained in some form. And the NR subplots do feel shoehorned in places, especially in Ahsoka.
If you go by that theory, it would seem as though the NR WAS supposed to be incompetent all along. Presumably this is a consequence of the Sequel Trilogy portraying them as such.

Ranking the Star Wars TV series
  1. Andor
  2. Mandalorian seasons 1-2
  3. Rebels
  4. Mando s3
  5. Ahsoka
  6. Filoni’s Clone Wars
  7. Bad Batch
  8. BOBF
  9. Obi-Wan
  10. Droids
  11. TOTJ
  12. Ewoks

Haven’t seen (yet!): Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars, Resistance, Visions, Forces of Destiny

I have to say, only the top 3 shows are the ones that I truly loved. Clone Wars has some genuinely great episodes, but an awful lot of mediocrity as well.