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Alien: The Extended Cut (Released)

DestronTC said:

First off, this is clearly my edit that you made a few additions to, which I’d’ve appreciated if you’d at least mentioned. Overall that choice was detrimental because it gave you a lot less to work with when making your alterations.
I Want to apologize using your edit. I thought your edit was really great and thought just using that.
The encoding is pretty bad, and that could have been avoided if you’d built it from the ground up. I’ve never heard of this Power Director software you’re using, but if you’re looking for a good, free editing software, I’d highly recommend Davinci Resolve. I don’t use it myself but I’ve dabbled in it, and it’s incredible; Adobe Premiere level software.
Power Director is a Mobile app which sucks on computers, but it’s a lot better on your phone.
A great deal of your additions were worthwhile, but a lot of them either had jumpy sound work or no sound at all, such as the new shots in the egg silo and Sigourney Weaver’s screen test. You can get the full screen tests with audio off the Quadrilogy DVD, or the Blu Ray set. There are great sections where the audio is off sync as well.
yes some of them didn’t have sound because I removed it. it was mainly talking about how they made the eggs and the Sigourney Weaver Screen test I Found on youtube and someone voiced over it and it just didn’t sound right.
You also had some widescreen footage set in 4x3, that could have been cropped off properly.
Sadly the power director app on computer won’t let me crop but on mobile it does.
Overall it pains me to say that I’m not impressed, but I would love to see you do better work in the future! If you have any questions about anything I would be glad to help!
I’m sorry to disappoint you, I guess I’m not cut out to edit films back together. but I do have to say your cut is the best one I’ve ever seen.

Alien: The Extended Cut (Released)

Ok Guys here it is. I uploaded it on my youtube channel. if it gets taken down I will upload it somewhere else.


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Alien: The Extended Cut (Released)

DestronTC said:

The screen tests?.. Interesting. That’s actually a great idea, I strayed away from using them because they weren’t using the final sets or costumes and weren’t intended to be used in the film, but it would be so interesting to see them incorporated.

I never had any hand in the original virtual workprint. It’s a fantastic edit, and it inspired me to try my hand at this, but I never worked on it.

I finished mine about two years ago but never uploaded it anywhere, but I randomly decided to a few days ago. Check out my thread about it. https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/ALIEN-VIRTUAL-WORKPRINT-V2-EXTENDED-WORKPRINT-working-title/id/17815

will you get me a link to watch your workprint?

Alien: The Extended Cut (Released)

DestronTC said:

Ooh, fun. 2:55:00 did you say?? Jeepers creepers how in the world? I only ever got it to 2:31:51! 20 more minutes I didn’t know about, I can’t fathom. I never used anything from Giger’s Alien, so that’s probably it? shrug

Those shots of Parker are from some old teaser trailer that’s actually in 16x9. Good stuff. I put it right before the shot where he goes to refuel the flamethrower. There’s also some shots of the landing in that trailer. It’s on one of the DVDs, not sure which. Haven’t thought about this shit in ages lol.

That Alien: Cocoon of Love video is from the Enhancement Pods that were included when they did the Blu Ray version of Beast Within. Not on the DVD.

Also, are your chestburster and cocoon videos my versions from YouTube that you added to? You should sort out your aspect ratios, I noticed the new footage from the chestburster video was still in 4x3.

If you need any information, hit me up! Can’t wait to see what you put out!

wow. I never expected to hear from you. what inspired me to do this was your work on the virtual workprint. did you ever finish your virtual workprint cut of Alien? because I would definitely love to watch it. and also I used some of Sigourney Weaver’s Screen tests. which definitely helped.

Alien: The Extended Cut (Released)

benduwan said:

Alienuncut1979 said:

benduwan said:

Alienuncut1979 said:

heathen3017 said:

I also assume you used all elements of the theatrical and director’s cut…?

Yes that is what I used. the only parts I used from the Director’s Cut where the Cocoon Scene and the Alien and cat scene

cool.would like to see this mega extended movie.
do you make the others too?

at some point I will do Aliens. but my next project is making the original trilogy of star wars uncut

so,like i do?😉

Yeah. wow that’s amazing. there’s a lot of scenes I didn’t know about or seen.

Alien: The Extended Cut (Released)

benduwan said:

Alienuncut1979 said:

heathen3017 said:

I also assume you used all elements of the theatrical and director’s cut…?

Yes that is what I used. the only parts I used from the Director’s Cut where the Cocoon Scene and the Alien and cat scene

cool.would like to see this mega extended movie.
do you make the others too?

at some point I will do Aliens. but my next project is making the original trilogy of star wars uncut

Alien: The Extended Cut (Released)

cosmicjazz said:

I’m really curious how you managed to get it to 3 hours. The edit I did ended up at 2:30. And I used just about everything I could find. The only thing I held off on was the serious amount of exterior ship footage. But even then it isn’t that much.

Well I almost did it was aroun the 2:55:00 I used everything that look right from all the documentaries.

Sources were

Giger’s Alien 1979
The Alien Legacy 1999
The Alien Saga 2002
The Beast Within 2003

Alien: The Extended Cut (Released)

Hello everyone, for awhile I have been working on an Alien Extended cut for sometime and I did finish it once, but sadly my cut has been lost, unless I find it again. I ask you all to help make this film. I have released some footage on my youtube account. also I recommend DestonTC as well for some footage. so if youre up to the challenge to make the movie extended i’m excited to hear back. If I remember also. when I first cut the movie it almost reached the original 3 hour length.


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