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New Force Awakens fan edit

Jeffgale26 said:

it was the wrong font

It actually isn’t. The Empire Strikes Back and A New Hope use one set of fonts, Return of the Jedi and the prequels use another. The Force Awakens uses the fonts from ESB and ANH, likely to distance itself from the worse films and to make itself closer to the better films.

Nevermind this has been said.

The Star Wars Duology: Divergent Edition (AKA the ANH/TESB fan-edits DuracellEnergizer would like to make but probably never will)

emanswfan said:

I am just wondering why you would want these though.

I will tint all outdoor, daytime scenes on Tatooine a heavy pink.

I will remove any significant cloud cover from Tatooine’s sky.

I will tint all outdoor, daytime scenes on Hoth a heavy blue.

I will give Vader’s lightsaber a yellowish core in all shots.

I can speak for the cloud cover one: Tatooine is entirely a desert, so it should have not enough water to make clouds. (Sorry if this has already been answered)

Info: Need special effects for your edit? Request them here!

SparkySywer said:

If it isn’t any trouble for anyone, can someone make a version of the shot from RotJ where they’re all leaving Tatooine, but instead of Luke leaving for Dagobah, he follows the Millenium Falcon?

I no longer need this, I just cut out the shot, but it looks like someone else wants it.

NeverarGreat said:

I posted this in my project thread, but since that tends to get buried quite fast, I’m looking for some stabilized and denoised shots from the SSE - in particular the lightsaber shots on board the Falcon and the final section of the Obi-wan/Vader duel, where they are in the doorway to the hangar. It would be super helpful to have these shots for lightsaber replacements on the Blu-ray, so the denoising would need to marry into that footage.

What exactly are you looking for? Shots without the film grain?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

doubleofive said:

Hal 9000 said:

Ady, I’m curious if you have any plans to include or exclude the Death Star’s brief appearance at the end of Episode III.

I believe it’s not going to be there. Personally, I think it’d be better, watching chronologically, if you don’t know a DS could exist until R1 or even the crawl for ANH.

Assuming the prequels are good movies (which they aren’t, but I’m hoping Adywan can change that if possible), then watching them chronologically would have that as kind of a cliffhanger. You’d be wondering what this big thing they’re constructing is.

Get ready for &quot;Star Wars - Shroud of the Sith&quot;, a radical fan edit of &quot;The Phantom Menace&quot;

The Ritty said:

Midichlorians are real people - get over it, they’re just movies lol

Dude this is just a fanedit, holy shit.

The Ritty said:

Why do people insist on just removing all the things they didn’t like.

Because they can, really. It’s a fanedit, if they think something improves a movie, that can do it.

The Ritty said:

You can’t betray Lucas’ vision for his movies. So many people get this wrong. Just cutting stuff out doesn’t make the movie any better.

We can do whatever we want.

The Ritty said:

You know why no one mentioned them in the original trilogy? Cuz it was just yoda & obi wan left. Seriously, why even bother with that explanation. Who’s got the time. Luke’s the only ‘jedi’ left. Who’s got time for all that science crap after 900 yrs.

Who asked? The problem with midichlorians isn’t that it’s not in the OT, it’s that they’re bad.

The Ritty said:

I’m fine with the bacteria explanation.

OK, and other people aren’t. Tough.

The Ritty said:

do you get paid to do this? No. Who cares if you fixed effects and edited the sound and blah blah blah

The creators do. It’s a hobby.

The Ritty said:

Midichlorians are real people - get over it, they’re just movies lol

You should service Lucas’ vision and try to help make it better.

We can do whatever we want.

The Ritty said:

The STORY comes first.


The Ritty said:

That’s all that matters, not trying to prove hpw amazing you are or take over someone else’s baby. Remember that.

Nobody’s doing either of those. Bad day?

The Ritty said:


If you take out the midichlorians, then Anakin doesn’t exist.

Why? Anakin could have just been a kid, not some kid who was conceived by midichlorians.

The Ritty said:

Plus they’re referenced in all 3 prequels.

Factually incorrect. Not mentioned in Attack of the Clones. Either way, irrelevant.

The Ritty said:

“A Virgence you say?”
“It is possible he was CONCIEVED by the midichlorians.”
“You’re speaking of the prophecy of the chosen one?”

Take out the midichlorians and all this has no meaning. Just sayin 😉

Dope. So take that out, too.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Fan Edit Ideas thread...

ben_danger said:

CG Tarkin was great - CG Carrie Fisher maybe less so.

Didn’t like CG Tarkin, but it was necessary. I can live with it. CG Leia was just dumb.

SilverWook said:

RO and ANH as one movie anyone?

I feel like they’re too different.

Additionally, I’m a fan of not having a crawl. Sets it apart.

Star Wars: A Galaxy Betrayed – A 3-in-1 edit of the prequels - Released

swagbeditor said:

Don’t hesitate to give any suggestions for tweaks.


I’d put the opening crawl as “Episode 3”, or “Episode 2”, even, not “Episodes 1 - 2 - 3”. As cool as that was, I think it should all be just one episode. Episodes 1 and 2 (Or 1 and 3) would just be things that never came out.

Edit: I’d also add some film grain if I were you. That shit’s sexy.

swagbeditor said:

Maybe. I think I would only want to do this if I could somehow make the picture quality and effects feel like they came from the OT era. As it stands now I think it’s okay to use the newer logos since the rest of the film is clearly of its time and not from the 70s/80s.

Don’t use the old logos, use the one from RotS. I think it’s kinda wrong to use the logos that aren’t on the theatrical movie.