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TITANIC 4K Filmized Open Matte Remaster with original color grading

MJBenito said:

little-endian said:

A few further thoughts on that project which might call for a “V3”:

While MJBenito’s color adjustments are great and the slight noise layer maybe rescue at least some filmic style, it cannot hide the already “scrubbed”, de-noised and somewhat waxy nature of the source.

Also, directly comparing the 2D Blu-ray release with the upscaled 3D one, the former still has a bit more resolution (visible on the clothes) so I wonder whether an open matte version could be created out of the 2D source with its higher quality and the missing information above and below stitched together from the 3D open matte version. However, the image angles seem to be a bit different and I’m not sure if either eye frame (left & right) from the 3D BD matches the original 2D film frames.


There is also an extended cut floating around from 35mm where the additional scenes don’t seem to be sourced from the film, but rather some Web-DL streaming video.

Sigh, all in all, it is so damn frustrating considering that those morons are sitting on the best source possible, the negatives, and apparently can’t simply release that stuff without screwing things up.

I can’t decide what I find more retarded: the stupid AI sharpening on the UHD-BD, the goddamn orange & teal ugly color gradings on both the Blu-rays or the filtering of the 3D-Blu-ray (the latter one maybe being the least non-sensical in regard to the noise which might distract in a 3D experience, although I doubt even that as our human vision isn’t noise-free either thanks to retinal-noise which can be very visible as well). Even if, there is no good reason not to release the open matte in 2D without the damn noise filtering.

So at the end, neither version is really great.

@MJBenito: maybe you could consider to release also a regraded version like this one here, but based on the 2D cinema scope source with its better quality or test another version with even more noise added as the Blu-ray has a lot more (color) noise than its 3D counterpart:


Hi, I’m quoting your last post but I’ll try to answer every question you’ve asked in this thread.

First of all, the 3D open matte version has less grain than its 2D scope counterpart for sure. BUT it is the only version available in 1.78. I tried to compare it with the scope version and besides the fact that not all shots are open matte but sometimes slightly zoomed, the geometry of the shots are also not always matching. After thoughts, I decided it would be too much work to blend 2D and 3D images together cause it would have to be done shot by shot.

The goal of this project has always been to get the biggest picture with the best color grading and the original audio experience. That’s also why I’m actually doing the V2 version with 10 bits color encoding. When it’s released, of course, anyone would be able to use the final rendering and make its own editing choices. But my work on Titanic will stop with the 4K Filmized Open Matte Remaster.

On the other side, I’m also working on an uncut version of the movie in scope, including the deleted scenes. And the whole project that will also get the 4K Filmized Remaster treatment with adjusted color grading. At some point, I might also make an uncut hybrid open matte scope version of the movie but I just don’t have a goal date for these releases.

Just on this, i have a 1080p HDTV rip of the original open matte version which wasn’t sourced from the 3d bluray but was an HDTV master of the original DVD release colours, its not the best quality but looks nice, i’m happy to share it if it helps, i do believe though it is 25fps so that might pose a problem but could at least be used for reference, see pics below:

HDTV: https://fastpic.org/view/90/2017/0425/1862a1e5546038f1bae7ba97db2d2b32.jpg.html?r=1
3d Bluray:https://fastpic.org/view/91/2017/0425/508bffe2f27810156fb332668bbd5f69.jpg.html?r=1

3d Bluray: https://fastpic.org/view/89/2017/0425/0c2745dd8866208bd839bb71d32bcda8.jpg.html?r=1

HDTV: https://fastpic.org/view/89/2017/0425/4d02dc8371abc31a26c9057e4de9d9a1.jpg.html?r=1
3d Bluray: https://fastpic.org/view/91/2017/0425/959d576f9fba4641de5a49ae489cdb20.jpg.html?r=1

TITANIC 4K Filmized Open Matte Remaster with original color grading

MJBenito said:

Thanks for your reviews already. I’m making a V2 version of the 4K Filmized Open Matte remaster with 10 bits color encoding, since I noticed some banding during some scenes under water. Thanks for your patience and let this be the final and definitive version to watch.

Awesome, thank you for your work always appreciated.

Harry Potter 1-2 in 4K Hybrid Open Matte/Scope - Extended Cuts

MJBenito said:

Thanks to nightstalkerpoet, a new version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 4K Filmized Open Matte is in the works. The main goal is to get rid of the macroblocking and banding (especially on night scenes), using a much better 1080p encode of the open matte version. Both THEATRICAL and EXTENDED cuts will get a V2 in the upcoming days. Sorry to everyone who already got the original release.

Looking forward to seeing the V2, your work is awesome and appreciated!

TITANIC 4K Filmized Open Matte Remaster with original color grading

Finally got round to watching this and it is now my goto version of this movie, i think the colour grading is soooooo much better. I do think that the saturation could be just a fraction more but i have a TV setting for that, some scenes seem a touch duller due to the tint revision but that is me being super nitpicky. I actually like the slightly over sharpened look of the 4k version and some of the hair strands are not visable on this version probably due to the 3D Bluray source being one half side but the more accurate colour balance makes up for that in this, I can absolutely live with it and this is the best version of this movie i’ve seen since 1997, the audio is stellar too, great job MJBento many thanks!

TITANIC 4K Filmized Open Matte Remaster with original color grading

looking amazing, there is another open matte print floating around with the original colors taken from an old HDTV rip, could maybe use that as reference for some shots too, the dvd is way better balanced on color for sure, that yellow and green revisionist tint on the 3d bluray annoys me. Would love a link when finished.