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Info Wanted: Best theatrical original trilogy fan preservations?

I’m new here, sorry if I’m posting this question in the wrong place. I was just wondering if you guys could tell me what is generally considered to be the best fan preservation of the original trilogy? Dark_Jedi’s or Harmy’s?

I don’t mean any disrespect by asking which one is better. Both DJ an Harmy have obviously invested a tremendous amount of time and effort into these projects and from what I have seen from the screenshots and clips they both look like outstanding pieces of work. I also know that everyone here works together and contributes to each others projects so Harmy has borrowed from DJ and vice versa.

However, I’d still like to know which edits are currently considered by the community here to be the definitive version of the original theatrical trilogy. Which is most faithful to the original and which has the best picture and sound quality?

I guess this is subjective and both versions have their pros and cons so perhaps a better question to ask is, which version do you prefer and why?

Also, how will DJ’s upcoming v2 Blu Ray differ from Harmy’s v2.5 despecialized edition? The sources all look quite similar.

Thanks for your time; I hope these aren’t stupid questions.