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A question to the posters here regarding TFA


Hi guys, just a quick question; what did you guys think overall of TFA? I am curious to know because I assume it was an overall positive reception and the majority of Star Wars fans felt it was positive, even if there were some reservations.

I put this to you because on IMDB; the board is littered by people who claim to be Star Wars fans who have a huge animosity towards it, and they give it a 1/10 rating. They even go as far as to say the Prequels were better and they describe the film and characters as “SJW” or Mary Sue. I’m personally amazed at the level of hatred from these people, and they actually claim that they represent the majority of real Star Wars fans who all claim they loathe the film.

Me, I personally enjoyed the film and I re-watched it again. It’s the most fun I’ve had in a cinema in a long time. It’s well shot and directed, I love the characters and the actors, and frankly I defended the “back to basic” approach of the film. Let me explain: you see, as much as I would have loved to have to seen a direct sequel to ROTJ, you need to cater to a new audience, and I feel the best sequels should be always be stand-alone. The plot itself wasn’t completely a rehash, I think the swashbuckling, western serial was always part of the Star Wars opus. We needed a reminder of the great art that made the series, ridding away from that complex stuff about politics and tax blockades. So overall, the Star Wars films are family films, and this was an good introduction for new people who wanted to get into the series.

Of course I gave up on Star Wars a long time ago. The rotten prequels and the failure to release the theatrical editions in the proper high def treatment they deserve etc. I’m older now and my film taste has changed to a more artistic way; New Wave cinema, Independent foreign films etc. But I’ll always be a fan of Star Wars, and The Empire Strikes Back and I still rate them highly as excellent cinema. The Force Awakens for me, speaking not as a die hard fan, was very impressive and it rekindled my love affair for the series again.


Did you not see the TFA thread at the top of the board?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The review thread is all very well and good, but it’s a lot to comb through for an overall feeling.

I think in general the members of this forum really enjoyed it, with a few exceptions. Most of us are looking forward to Rogue One and more of the Sequel Trilogy.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

The review thread is all very well and good, but it’s a lot to comb through for an overall feeling.

I think in general the members of this forum really enjoyed it, with a few exceptions. Most of us are looking forward to Rogue One and more of the Sequel Trilogy.

Yeah I get that vibe too. I think those posters on IMDB are just right-wing misogynist conspiracy nuts, in truth.


IMDB forums are the mouth of madness.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I think TFA is as good as ROTJ; that is to say I believe it has good production values and some nice character moments, but still find it woefully derivative of the original film, making it a very unsatisfying, largely mediocre experience for me.


SilverWook said:

IMDB forums are the mouth of madness.

Indeed. They’re a weird and scary place.

But then, most Internet comment sections are.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I can’t decide what I like more about the IMDb forums: all the “this needs a remake” threads about movies made prior to the 21st century; all the “worst movie ever made” threads about movies which aren’t even half-bad; or all the nasty posts attacking the weight/looks of certain actresses.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I can’t decide what I like more about the IMDb forums: all the “this needs a remake” threads about movies made prior to the 21st century; all the “worst movie ever made” threads about movies which aren’t even half-bad; or all the nasty posts attacking the weight/looks of certain actresses.

This is the worst post ever made. It’s also fat. It does, however, need a remake.



Keep flogging that dead Taun Taun. Maybe it will unfreeze and get up. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?