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Hi! I am super appassionate star trek/star wars fan here 😃 I hope I can be one of yours!


Hello! I’m a newbie who’s been a huge fan of this site for years and finally decided to join. This site is what got me into restorations of classic films in the first place, starting with the despecialized versions of the Star Wars OT. Since then, I’ve read tons of threads about various releases of films and the differences between them. That topic and anything about the behind the scenes of movies is endlessly fascinating to me. I hope to discuss those topics, or at the very least, continue reading through the threads on them on here. And I also hope to find restored versions of films I love that have gotten terrible official releases, if possible. Thanks for having me, and I look forward to my time here!


Hello all!

I finally set up my home theater in the last few years. Which led me to rewatch/discover many movies. And spend way too much time on the internet chasing quality.
I’ve recently fallen down the rabbit hole on fan edits, restorations, remuxes, etc.

I joined the TN forum and donated there but I was sad to see that I couldn’t actually post anything. So it’s nice that I can post here.

I found this site via the other non-SW restoration efforts. Hope to be a contributor and ally in the war against preservation!



stumbled across this site on google when searching for Friends and I am actually watching Star Trek as I am writing this. Anyway, hello from Hamburg to all!


Greetings everyone!
Im a pretty big fan of film. Im all about watching films the way they should be presented not edited after the fact to “modernize” it or whatever.
Glad to be here.



Hello all - just returned to this site after quite a while and realized my old login still works.

Amazing work over the past few years. Thanks.


Hi everyone, been meaning to join this site for a while now.
Interested in having a look at some of the projects that you guys have been working on!
Keep up the good work!!!


Hi there, long time lurker, first time poster. I’m looking forward to joining in on the discussion here.


Hi there! I’m Therkelsen.

I’m a robotics engineer and a huge star wars nerd. (Except for the prequels. I hate what they did with the prequels.)

My first introduction to fan edits was actually Pentex’s Obi-Wan Kenobi edit. After watching that, I was sold. Now I’m “hunting” better versions of the movies and shows of my favorite franchise, to put together the PERFECT Star Wars marathon.


Hi I’m Beth, i love movies and tv shows, I am interested in media preservation and also in AI upscaling old and rare footage I invested in a rig that allows me to clean up the DVDs that I own and upscale them to 1080p or 4k because a lot of original footage never got any love or went past dvd some didn’t even make it to dvd and only got vhs release. So far I’ve cleaned up a handful of titles and I’m currently trying Condoreman and it’s a hobby I enjoy, I always buy the originals and keep the originals but prefer higher quality than dvd and most dvd players don’t do a great job of upscaling compared to the latest AI technology and a decent graphics card.


Hello there, Max here. Found this gem of a site when I was looking for a graphic audio type audiobook for Harry potter.


Hey everyone! Joined after learning that fan edits exist! I had no idea. I am a gen x life-long Star Wars fan. I have really struggled with the Disney movies but am hanging in. I came to see some edits of the sequel trilogy and hopefully enjoy the story more. Thanks!


Hi everyone, I discovered project 4k77 and was blown away. then I found this site. Film preservation and scanning is really fascinating to me and hopefully here I will be able to discover some more awesome projects.


Hi everyone, I’m relatively new to fan edits and look forward to the journey here.
I appreciate the creativity/motivation that’s involved in doing this type of stuff.

To all the fan editors of the world, keep doing what you love!!


Hello everyone! I’m interested in preserving motion pictures shot on film! I do color grading, encoding, post processing, and AI stuff as well! I love 35mm films and even once got to go to the New Beverly and see Inglourious Basterds on 35mm! It had a great intro with Mel Brooks doing an infamous rap and dance number from ‘To Be or Not To Be’. I’m excited to be here and look forward to chatting with you all! Cheers!



I’m new here and a passionate collector of film scans, rare movie versions, fan edits and preservations.
I’m endlessly grateful for all you people putting in so much time and effort to rescue and preserve parts of movie history. I hope to be somewhat helpful in that noble task…



Hello! I stumbled on this site after watching The Beauty & The Beast Bluray with my kids and being horrified at what Disney had done to it. This led down the path of film scanning and well, here I am. It just so happens I’ve also been a big Star Wars fan for about 30 years now so I’m quite happy to have found this place.


Aloha. I’ve been lurking for a long time at this point. Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, and later 4K77, D+77 and so on really reignited a love in me and my spouse for the original trilogy that unfortunately had been waning as 1080p and then 4k became the gold standards for visual presentation. Amazing to be finally able to move beyond DVDs after years of neglect. Huge thanks to everyone putting the work in to preserve culture and history.


I grew up during “The Dark Times” in the late 80s when Star Wars had faded from the popular consciousness. I was so excited when ANH was announced as coming back to theaters in 1997. But what I saw on screen was not what I remembered. And then somehow everything went downhill from there… But I still credit Lucas with igniting my love of film. I first watched Kurosawa because of his influence, and that was the first step that led me to worlds just as strange as any found in a galaxy far, far away. But I’m glad to find a forum of people who enjoy the Star Wars I remember.


Hi everyone!! How do you do?? Well, I came on Original Trilogy because I’m a big fan of fan edits and extended movies. I think that these movies are mostly “stripped down” because of financial problems (“What?? A movie over 2 hours long?? Cut it!! CUT IT!!”), and these fan edits are one way to see what the directors had in their mind. Also, some fan edits are “reformating” some movies which really help the spectators to better understand the stories. So, yup, fan edits are one answer among others to help to enhance, to preserve for the next generations the memories of these movies.



My name is Sean. I am new here and I was very interested in learning about the original trilogy projects such as The 4k projects and Harmy’s Despecialized Edition. I just found out tonight that these projects existed through a youtube video. It is amazing to see how many people are working together to get this done. Hopefully I can provide some help. I look forward to getting to know all of you.


I’m a trans girl named Alena, hope that’s ok.
I love the original trilogy to death, and I’m hoping to acquire the Pug versions at some point. My pronouns are she/it or really anything



I’m a lifelong Star Wars fan, as I’m sure are 99% of the people here. I first heard of Harmy’s Despecialised Editions several years ago and managed to track down a copy. I loved them then and they’re still my go-to versions of the films. I also remember the Silver Screen edition coming out and being very excited about it.

I’ve not really delved back into that world since then, so I’m definitely interested to catch up and see what the latest and greatest versions are now (the 4Kxx scans by the sounds of it? Or have they been superseded now too?).

I’m also keen to see some other fan edits/archive preservations/open matte film scans and whatever other projects people have worked on. It’s a very exciting world out there!


Hello All! Unfortunately, I was 1 year old when A New Hope was released, so I never actually saw the original theatrical release. I have also worn out my 1995 VHS Trilogy, which I loved. I’m really looking forward to checking out the Despecialized versions!



This is the invite code that is needed for The Star Wars Trilogy Forum. It took me hours to discover it and I thought I had to look at THIS forum to access the other.

I am posting it here in case anyone else who is trying to access the other forum gets confused like I did 😃

May The Force Be With You All!