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Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?

From best to worst:

TLJ score-only version
The PT (in order of release)
The Abrams films
TLJ theatrical version (I like what the movie was going for but most of the dialogue ruins it for me)

And for what it’s worth, I like TRoS more than TFA (at least TRoS didn’t rely on nostalgia and mystery boxes as much as TFA did).

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

With the new rumors of Boyega returning, a bunch of people on Reddit are now saying things like “don’t do it John, they don’t deserve you!!”

I’m trying to be excited for this movie, but it really is deflating when literally every little piece of news about it gets lambasted with so much scrutiny. It’s hard to ignore all the haters every step of the way.

I’m leaning closer and closer to just skipping this movie altogether.

This sorta thing goes both ways with me, though. I don’t wanna see this Rey movie cause people are already being too negative about it, and conversely, I don’t wanna see the new Deadpool movie cause people are being too positive about it and acting like it’s gonna be the best movie ever just because it might have a bunch of cameos and stuff. I don’t like seeing people get their expectations too high (especially for such superficial reasons). I guess I just don’t like “extremist” culture in general. Or maybe I’m falling out of love with movie culture altogether.

I think from now on I’m just not gonna go to the theaters anymore and just wait the few extra months for the things to come to streaming, so that I can watch things after most of the “hyperbole” has died down.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Looks like Daisy hinted at John Boyega being back too: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/daisy-ridley-young-woman-and-the-sea-john-boyega-new-star-wars-film-1235902088/

John Campea said on his show again today that this movie is gonna bomb at the box office.

Even though I’m intrigued about Rey’s return, I kinda wish they woulda announced an additional character for this at Celebration 2023 (Finn, Luke’s ghost, the two new kids that Rey is supposedly training, etc.). The fact that this movie has just been known online as “the Rey movie” for the last year seems to have caused a lot of skepticism amongst casuals, unfortunately.

A thread for the <strong>Lego Star Wars:</strong> films, specials, series, shorts, and curiosities...

Caston said:

Sorry for the necro bump, this appears to be the most relevant thread for this (please delete if not):

Get Ready for Darth Jar Jar, TIE-Wings, and More in LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy - at StarWars.com (airs on Sept 13)

LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy | Teaser Trailer | Disney+ - 1 minute official YouTube video.

It just looks fun and engaging, a little different. Something Star Wars that I’m actually looking forward to watching.

Yeah, I’m curious about this too. Something different, as you said.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

act on instinct said:

It’s all about the dyad…

Seriously though, that link with Ben is enough.

Early rumors suggested that this film would be about Rey training two new pupils, a boy and a girl, and that the movie was pitched as “Your Name in space.” Those things lead me to believe that the film itself will be about Rey finding two new “heirs” of the dyad, so to speak. The fact that it was originally supposed to be set much later in the timeline kinda adds to this theory, imo.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

screams in the void said:

Z6PO said:

Daisy Ridley excited for “fun direction” of new STAR WARS film (YouTube)

I’m glad she is excited to return . Also glad to hear her praise of Sharmeen Obaid’s documentary experience . Wasn’t there something about George Lucas making the original Star Wars in a documentary style ? Seems like this may be in good hands , between the lead , the director and the writer , I am optimistic . Idk , we will see . anyway , looking forward to seeing Star Wars in theaters again soon .

I’m optimistic too, but if I recall correctly, the whole thing about treating sw77 like a documentary had more to do with the first (notorious) cut of the film, and that the documentary “feel” was diminished for the Final Cut once they realized that it wasn’t working. That said, Sharmeen might still make a great film, and her documentary background could still very well be a good thing for this. Only time will tell.

Admittedly, though, the lack of enthusiasm from most others makes it difficult for me to maintain my own excitement, especially since now people are hating on this director for an out-of-context quote from 9 years ago. I might not even end up seeing the movie, cause I feel like I lose either way. Either I’ll hate it, or everyone will yell at me for liking it.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Mocata said:

Wait a second… what is Levy’s SW movie? I feel like I’ve lost the thread of who’s in and who’s quit now.

We don’t know the specifics of Shawn Levy’s sw movie just yet. It doesn’t have a tentative release date yet or anything like that. Sneider said yesterday that Rey could also be in Levy’s movie. That’s all we know right now.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Jeff Sneider dropped a new report where he says the following:

-Daisy is getting paid $12 million for her new movie.
-Chinoy and Knight are both still on board and everything is fine.
-Levy’s movie also features Rey but it’s not on the schedule yet.
-Right now he’s thinking the schedule is Mando&Grogu in May 2026, Chinoy’s movie in December 2026, Mangold’s movie in December 2027, and finally, Filoni’s movie some time in 2028.
-They’re trying to get other TFA actors back for Chinoy and/or Levy (and they may possibly get paid roughly the same as Daisy).

'The Mandalorian &amp; Grogu' (Upcoming Movie) - General Discussion Thread

Something to note is that the announcement refers to this movie as simply The Mandalorian & Grogu, rather than Star Wars: The Mandalorian & Grogu or The Mandalorian & Grogu: A Star Wars Story.

Maybe this means they’re finally dropping “Star Wars” from the movie names and allowing each era to evolve as its own separate “sub-franchise,” a la marvel.